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4. URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING PRACTICE 4.0 Overview Urban planning is not synonymous with urban design...there are many urban planners who are not urban.

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Presentation on theme: "4. URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING PRACTICE 4.0 Overview Urban planning is not synonymous with urban design...there are many urban planners who are not urban."— Presentation transcript:

1 4. URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING PRACTICE 4.0 Overview Urban planning is not synonymous with urban design...there are many urban planners who are not urban designers, and likewise many urban designers who know little about urban planning. All those engaged in urban planning but are not concerned with aesthetics do not qualify as urban designers Planning is undoubtedly a design-oriented discipline….the controversy lies in the extent to which design is recognized as a legitimate interest of the planning system.

2  The design of a town begins with a symbolic representation in two-dimension and to a small scale…this is town planning!...because such a plan provides a framework for subsequent detailing it calls for aesthetic sensibility….this is urban design!  Thus, town planning is the first/highest level of urban design …and urban design is the last/lowest level of town planning  Even at the object level such as individual building and the lamp post or sitting bench, the architect and industrial designer have to must consider the correlation of these objects with other objects….and this is planning! 

3  Planning is about programming and putting together components of a program in a given relationship… urban design is about the actual structuring and appearance of the components of the program in space for aesthetic purposes.  Thus a mastery of planning practice should include its impact on urban design: -Planning authorities should recognise how the powers granted to them can be used positively to encourage the best in urban design in the visual, social, environmental, and functional contexts - To promote the desirable and to control the undesirable

4  Urban design should serve to enhance the impact of urban planning at different scales….from strategic to site-specific.  Urban design also should serve to minimize inter- professional conflict in the practice of planning  Urban design should be conceptualized widely…. - macro: broad design policy in development plans - micro: supplementary design guidelines and individual site briefs.

5  Planning decisions that are likely to be highly design- related fall under the following areas (further reading): 1. Settlement form: Metropolises; Inner cities; suburbs 2.Transportation: Public transport and urban form NMT/pedestrianization 3. Land use mix/comprehensive planning 4.Civic design and urban aesthetics 5. Site layouts/planning 6. Guardianship (Regulation and control) 7. Urban renewal/redevelopment and land use change 8. Slum upgrading 9.Conservation 10. Landscape design

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