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A computer network is a collection of computers and devices connected by communication channels.

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Presentation on theme: "A computer network is a collection of computers and devices connected by communication channels."— Presentation transcript:

1 A computer network is a collection of computers and devices connected by communication channels.

2 Share information: Network allows authorized user to share data and information stored on other computers of the network.

3 Share hardware and software: Computers connected to a network can share equipment like printers,modems etc. They also can share software.This helps to avoid high duplication costs

4 Share internet: Network can share a single internet conection.This facilities comunication.Pleo ple can communicate efficentlyand easily via e-mail, instnt message,chst rooms, and videoconferencing.

5 There are 3 main types of networks  LAN  MAN  WAN

6 Local area network: A computer network that physically links two or more computers computers within a geofraphic limited area such as a building.The linked computers are called workstations.

7 Metropolitan area network: A metropolitan area network covers larger geographic areas, such as cities.

8 Wide area network: Wide area network connect larger geographic areas, such as countries.

9  TACHNOLOGY ‘S NOTEBOOK  p:// content/uploads/2009/05/lan.jpg&imgrefurl = p:// content/uploads/2009/05/lan.jpg&imgrefurl =  p:// o/vpn/unvpnst/atomf_an/atomf_a0.gif&im grefurl= 2009/10/metropolitan-area-network- man.html&usg p:// o/vpn/unvpnst/atomf_an/atomf_a0.gif&im grefurl= 2009/10/metropolitan-area-network- man.html&usg

10  imgrefurl=http://rosilaabdullah.blogspot. com/2009/10/wide-area-network- wan.html imgrefurl=http://rosilaabdullah.blogspot. com/2009/10/wide-area-network- wan.html

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