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Signature Series Update. 2 How Women Are Changing the World “a look at women & giving” We are creating a multi year series that looks at how women are.

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1 Signature Series Update

2 2 How Women Are Changing the World “a look at women & giving” We are creating a multi year series that looks at how women are changing the world through their active participation in: Volunteerism Legacy Building – Providing for Future Generations Religious Callings Financial Contributions Series Structure A Minimum of a 3 Year Commitment to these themes Multi-layered Program Consisting of: Series of Panel Discussions Block Buster Speaker Call to Action Takeaway

3 3 How Women Are Changing the World “a look at women & giving” Update Since October Fr. Leahy reviewed and approved Series as a “university sponsored program” Expanded team who will provide leadership for Series (CWBC representative & Boston College representative) Speakers/Panelists:Donna Morris & Mary Lou DeLong Programming:Mary Bevelock & Diane Carey Marketing:Meg Kelleher & Ben Birnbaum Completed a “competitive” landscape survey on what is being done by other organizations on this topic Branding and Positioning work has begun Program is under development

4 Work & Questions for Table Discussions Today I. Input into Branding and Positioning of the Signature Series 1.In 3, 5 and 10 years time – what has changed because of the Signature Series? How is the Council different? How is BC different? How is giving different? 2.Perceptions – because of the Signature Series How do people perceive the role of women at Boston College? How do people view Boston College? 4

5 5 Work & Questions for Table Discussions Today II.Input/Feedback into Programming for the Signature Series Very Draft Agenda for Input Late Morning: Press Event with Fr. Leahy Announcing Series Noon:Lunch Afternoon Sessions: Panel 1: Moderated Discussion with members of the Boston College Faculty who can set the issue related to women in philanthropy in historical and social context, from the Renaissance to the present day. Panel 2: Moderated discussion on the changing nature of philanthropy in the US over the last decade, the ways in which noblesse oblige has been mostly replaced by a model of discernment and engagement by donors, and the accommodation and partnership by the institutions that benefit. Panel 3: Moderated discussion with women, drawn from the Council, who are seriously engaged in philanthropy (including - volunteerism, lay ministry) and articulate on the matter – what they seek to gain for themselves and for the institutions they support. Panel 4: Moderated discussion with a group of women seniors at Boston College, who have a track record of service while students and some relationship to the Council. They will be asked to speak to the audience about their views of service, volunteerism, philanthropic intent and their dreams of achievement. Early Evening:Keynote Speaker (s) Speaker or Panel engaged in service and philanthropy, on the order of Oprah, Queen Noor, U.S. First Ladies.

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