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Automated Verification with HIP and SLEEK Asankhaya Sharma.

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Presentation on theme: "Automated Verification with HIP and SLEEK Asankhaya Sharma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automated Verification with HIP and SLEEK Asankhaya Sharma

2 Recall the List length Example int length(struct node* p) /*@ requires p::list ensures p::list & res=n; */ { if(p == NULL) return 0; else return 1 + length(p->next); } Memory Safety Length of the List Bag of Values

3 With Inference int length(struct node* p) /*@ infer [H,G] requires H(p) ensures G(p); */ { if(p == NULL) return 0; else return 1 + length(p->next); } Second Order Variables for Unknown Predicates Modular Shape Inference

4 Relational Assumptions // Post (1) H(p) & x = null => G(p) // Bind (2) H(p) & x != null => x::node * HP(q) // Pre-Rec (3) HP(q) => H(p) //Post (4) x::node * G(q) => G(p)

5 Predicate Derivation For Pre Condition H(p) == emp & p = null or p::node * H(q) For Post Condition G(p) == emp * p = null or p::node * G(q) Linked List Predicate Inferred Automatically

6 Bi-Abduction antecedent consequentresidue Compositional shape analysis by means of bi-abduction Calcagno C, Distefano D, O'Hearn P W and Yang H POPL 2009 Achievement : Scalable automated shape analysis! precondition

7 Incremental Specification Formal specs are important for verification and documentation. Tedious for legacy system and maintenance efforts. Users role to guide inference process Our thesis : Specification can be developed incrementally and when needed.

8 Inference Example infer [x,Q3] requires x::ll  n 1   y::ll  n 2  ensures x::ll  n 3  & Q3(n 1,n 2,n 3 ) requires x::ll  n 1   y::ll  n 2  & x  null ensures x::ll  n 3  & n 1 +n 2 =n 3

9 Inference Example infer [R] requires x::ll  n 1   y::ll  n 2  & n  null & Term[R(n 1, n 2 )] ensures x::ll  n 3  & n 1 +n 2 =n 3 requires x::ll  n 1   y::ll  n 2  & n  null & Term[n 1 ] ensures x::ll  n 3  & n 1 +n 2 =n 3

10 Selective Entailment antecedent consequent residue precondition definitions

11 Key Principles Selective Inference Inferable Heap Locations Never Inferring False Antecedent Contradiction Unknown Relation/Function Derivation

12 Selective Inference x  null q:: ll  n-1  n > 0

13 Selective Inference FAIL emp n=1

14 Inferring Heap Locations Heap state may be inferred x ::node Allows predicates to be inferred Allows cascaded heaps by adding auxiliary variables emp

15 Never Inferring False FAIL

16 Antecedent Contradiction What if contradiction detected between  1 and  2 ? Add pre over v* to support contradicted antecedent.

17 Antecedent Contradiction false x  null false

18 Selective Inference

19 FixPoint Calculation

20 Inferring Heap Locations Auxiliary variables may be added x ::node  x 1 ::node & x 1 =q x ::node & x 1 =q

21 Inferring Unknown Relations Two kinds of relationships inferred Relational Obligation: Relational Definition:

22 Further Reading Trinh, Minh-Thai, Quang Loc Le, Cristina David, and Wei-Ngan Chin. "Bi-Abduction with Pure Properties for Specification Inference." In Programming Languages and Systems, pp. 107-123. Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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