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Analysis of Programming Languages (2). 2 LANGUAGE DESIGN CONSTRAINTS  Computer architecture  Technical setting  Standards  Legacy systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of Programming Languages (2). 2 LANGUAGE DESIGN CONSTRAINTS  Computer architecture  Technical setting  Standards  Legacy systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of Programming Languages (2)

2 2 LANGUAGE DESIGN CONSTRAINTS  Computer architecture  Technical setting  Standards  Legacy systems

3 3 Architecture  von Neumann-Eckert model language Fortran, Cobol, C, …  Non von Neumann-Eckert model language Lisp

4 4 Technical Setting  Technical setting constraints Application area, Operating system, network, … Fortran  Platform dependant  Scientific programming Ada  Defense Applications Cobol  Business

5 5 Standards  American National Standards Institute (ANSI)  International Standards Organization (ISO)  Examples: ISO Fortran (2004) ANSI/ISO C++ (2003)

6 6 Legacy Systems  Legacy systems Software that were designed and implemented by former programming staff, but maintained and updated by current staff (Backward Compatibility )

7 7 COMPILERS AND VIRTUAL MACHINES Compiler – produces machine code Interpreter – executes instructions on a virtual machine  Example compiled languages: Fortran, Cobol, C, C++  Example interpreted languages: Scheme, Haskell, Python  Hybrid compilation/interpretation The Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

8 8 The Compiling Process

9 9 The Interpreting Process

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