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James Berresford Chief Executive VisitEngland Partnerships, Policies Promotions & Reviews.

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1 James Berresford Chief Executive VisitEngland Partnerships, Policies Promotions & Reviews

2 Our shared growth ambition 5% average growth, year on year, in the value of tourism since 2010 7% uplift in jobs since 2010 = 178,000 Circa 70% of actions completed Refreshed in 2015

3 Trips (m) The “staycation” trend of more domestic holidays has continued for 5 years – levels of holiday taking are still higher than pre-recession Source: GBTS Holiday VFR Business

4 Growth patterns in trip volumes are very different in London vs elsewhere in England Source: International Passenger Survey Vs. Pre- recession high +8% -5%

5 How Satisfied Are Visitors to English Destinations? Overall Performance Likelihood to Recommend Likelihood to Revisit Competitive Advantage TRI*M Index: 94 90 50 70 30 Likelihood to Recommend 86% excellent/ very good 86% definitely/ probably 77% definitely/ probably 65% much/ slightly better Source: VE Brand, Communications and Satisfaction Tracker Source: VisitEngland Brand & Satisfaction Tracker 2013-14 data

6 And Visitors to the Isle of Wight? Overall Performance Likelihood to Recommend Likelihood to Revisit Competitive Advantage TRI*M Index: 94 90 50 70 30 Likelihood to Recommend 86% excellent/ very good 86% definitely/ probably 77% definitely/ probably 65% much/ slightly better Isle of Wight 90% Isle of Wight 92% Isle of Wight 76% Isle of Wight 74% Isle of Wight 100 Source: VE Brand, Communications and Satisfaction Tracker NB Base size for Peak District = 55 Source: VisitEngland Brand & Satisfaction Tracker

7 94 ENGLAND Cornwall Lake District x Northumberland Yorks Dales York Bristol Manchester Gt Yarmouth Essex Leeds East Sussex Scarborough Lake District North York Moors Liverpool Bath Cotswolds London New Forest Isle of Wight Torquay Yorkshire Coast 97 x x Kent Coast Durham Warwickshire Gloucester -shire Staffordshire Lincoln Eastbourne Peak District Skegness Notting -ham Suffolk Cambridge Newcastle Blackpool Chester Bournemouth Wey- mouth Somerset Oxford Stratford Shropshire Brighton Wiltshire Derbyshire Other Devon Birmingham Other Norfolk x x Canterbury 7 95 96 105 108 94 90 95 100 81 82 100 74 75 92 74 100 102 104 111 85 91 87 102 100 101 104 86 88 91 92 83 89 91 95 96 97 80 91 94 99 82 85 Total Hants 91 95 Kent Total 82 94 92 89 98 The Isle of Wight is one of the best performing English destinations in delivering visitor satisfaction

8 % Describing Destination as Excellent or Very Good The IOW exceeds the England average in being safe, clean, welcoming and offering good value and good local transport Source: VisitEngland Brand & Satisfaction Tracker

9 % Describing Destination as Excellent or Very Good There are no areas where the Island scores more than 1% below the national average – even cost of access is in line Source: VisitEngland Brand & Satisfaction Tracker

10 Futures

11 1. Demographic trends The population is changing – over the next 10 years, the number of older people will increase...and as baby boomers hit retirement age, catering for this group (who don’t behave like “old” people) will be vital There’s also been a mini baby-boom – leaving the “squeezed middle” to care for (and finance) the growing numbers of young and old There are increasing numbers of UK residents born outside the country – but their leisure habits are often poorly understood The traditional family unit is less common than it once was – but this isn’t always recognised by businesses

12 2. Technological trends Since 2006, there has been an increase of over 100% in the number of domestic trips booked devices have changed how we use the internet......yet not all businesses have a website yet (and if they do, it’s not always mobile enabled) Near universal internet penetration in the UK + proliferation of holiday-related UGC mean that the consumer has more information than ever before to help make a decision FOMO (the fear of missing out) can drive increased leisure But it can be overwhelming – we need to help simplify things

13 3. Leisure time / economic trends Despite the recession, spending on leisure and recreation has held up – money may be tight, but work life balance is vital...but value-seeking (and the role of great deals) will remain crucial It’s not just about “the big holiday” any more - the average English holiday is getting shorter and shorter with people taking portfolios of trips...and we’ve changed how we plan – last minute is ever more common, making it hard for businesses to predict customer flows

14 Growing Tourism Locally Progress to date £517.19 million 9,620 indirect jobs (target 9,139) 4 more evaluation rounds still to come. Working in partnership with VS & London and Partners to measure the economic impact of business events, meetings, incentives and conferences (with common methodology) Complete evaluation will take place post March For now…Activity continues

15 Themed Campaigns Summer 2014 Holidays through History Cycling Autumn 2014 A Taste of England Romance Spring 2015 live now! Heritage in Spring Family in Summer/Big Summer Holiday Be Part of History: Rugby

16 Cycling Breaks in England’ supplement Guardian micro site


18 Media breakfast at ABTA convention with partners Travel Trade Master lass for Destinations planned for Spring 2015 Trade workshop with England’s Heritage Cities hosted over 750 B2B meetings connecting over 45 regional delegates with 40 key tour operators in an attempt to help drive tourism outside of London Travel Trade

19 I need information Offers Ideas Availability New news Tactical etc Quality Expertise Knowledge Relevant Real time Right channel

20 Destinations and Tourist/Visitor Information Centres Businesses follow and are followed by Destination and TIC’s Tourist/ Visitor Information Centres

21 International activity Regional Airports Taskforce Two roundtables per year involving DMOs, English regional airports and other key stakeholders (Tourism Minister, Airports Commission) VisitEngland stand at World Routes in partnership with regional airports and DMOs VE attendance at Routes Europe

22 Strategic Partnership Update Arts Council 10 successful Cultural Destination Projects Focus now on delivery, sharing learning and evaluation National Parks Volume & value data for NPs NPs itineraries (international) Presence on Creative England Launched Jan 2015 English Heritage Launched in Lincoln Oct 2014 Sport In our sights for 2015/16

23 Keen to work together with tourism Considering timing of information Monitoring accuracy over crucial holiday periods Develop “Weather Bot” and embedding weather app on destination websites Develop a YouTube Guide to Weather Apps Pilot Met Office training for the tourism sector and encourage front of house staff to develop a degree of expertise in this area Working with the Met Office

24 VE secured €125,000 cash grant from the EC 7 destinations; 56 businesses 1 st October 2014 – end March 2016 1.Designing 2.Implementation (product development) 3.Dissemination (Marketing campaign - September 2015) 4.Evaluation Contact: Ross Calladine Access for All Project 2 (EC) Brighton Northumberland Lincoln Nottinghamshire Derbyshire Birmingham Kent

25 Tourism Superstar going strong Engage your MPs for constituency day ETW15 14 - 22 March 2015 The Big TweetEnd (21-22 March 2015) Family Holiday Association – 40 th Birthday 500 for 500 pledge Example of activity – Discover Lincolnshire: Started 10 years ago, evolved into countywide event Purpose to get local people to explore their local attractions & revisit later in year

26 Rugby World Cup 2015 3rd largest global audience for a sporting occasion – 4bn TV audience Over 2m tickets to be sold 400-500k overseas tickets Rugby “demographics” are just right Shoulder period  no displacement or accommodation issues

27 Great spread of destinations Opportunity to showcase England’s sporting heritage Excellent chance to generate coverage of England and ultimately, drive new visitors to the country Estimated economic impact of at least £2bn Why we’re involved – and why you should be!

28 Year of the English Garden ‘16 Capability Brown Tercentenary Quintessentially English and a key motivator for travel internationally Wealth of product (circa3,000 historic parks and gardens open to the public) Working in partnership with DMOs, RHS, EH, NT, HHA, NGS. 2014/15 - content gathering 2015 - trade and PR programme 2016 - consumer activity

29 Looking ahead Outcomes of Triennial and understanding what that means Commons Select committee General election and CSR We need to maintain the momentum and be consistent in our message about the visitor economy locally and nationally National balance International competition Public sector support Anticipate new landscape Tourism’s ‘perception’

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