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Wilson Reading System Substep 1.6. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill.

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Presentation on theme: "Wilson Reading System Substep 1.6. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilson Reading System Substep 1.6

2 Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill

3 a aapple/a/

4 e e Ed /e/

5 i iitch /i/

6 o ooctopus /o/

7 u uup /u/

8 qu Q is the chicken letter- it refuses to go anywhere without its friend, u. It is never in a word alone. The u in this situation has no vowel sound. Qu is a digraph as well. Chicken Letter

9 digraphs Consonants ‘stick together’ to form one sound, even though there are two letters. That is why they are on one card. They are not separated.

10 th ththumb/th/

11 ch ch chin /ch/

12 sh sh ship/sh/

13 wh wh whistle /w/

14 ck ck sock /k/

15 Part 2 Teach and Review Concepts for Reading

16 shop shop shops

17 shop is the baseword and the suffix ‘s’ can be added to it

18 bug bug bugs

19 ‘s’ sounds like a /z/ sometimes when added to words as a suffix

20 Part 3 Wordcards

21 dogs

22 shops

23 nets

24 chins

25 mills

26 tops

27 bills

28 bells

29 rugs

30 tins

31 sheds

32 runs

33 packs

34 bugs

35 naps

36 sets

37 socks

38 ships

39 paths

40 quits

41 cops

42 tugs

43 pens

44 locks

45 pegs

46 Part 4 Wordlist Reading Get books!

47 Part 5 Sentence Reading

48 Ben sells dolls in his shop.

49 The shells are red.

50 Pam hugs the pup when it is sad.

51 Fill the cups for the kids.

52 Ted will mop the decks.

53 The ship gets lots of sun.

54 Dan shops at the mall.

55 The dolls are in the van.

56 Then kids get chips at the shop.

57 Mom fills the jugs in the shed.

58 Bob naps in the den on the rug.

59 Jim has a bag of shells.

60 The kids had the ball in the bin.

61 The dog runs with Tim.

62 Did Rick get the bells for the shop?

63 The red pens are on the bed.

64 The hub caps are in the van.

65 Ed bops at the bash and has fun.

66 Meg gets the chills.

67 The fans yell for Nick to bat.

68 The boss gets Beth to do the job.

69 Bill nags Kim to fix the van.

70 Did the cops get the kids in the hot rod?

71 Chet gabs to Jill.

72 Fill the jug with nuts.

73 Part 6 Quick Drill ( in reverse Cookie Sheets )

74 What says /z/? abcdef hijklg mnop qu rs tuvwxyz

75 abcdef hijklg mnop rs tuvwxyz shthch wh ckallaman

76 Part 7 Teach and Review Concepts for Spelling

77 bugs What is the baseword? bug

78 pens pen

79 rugs rug

80 Part 8 Written Work Dictation: sounds, words, sentences

81 Part 9 Controlled Passage Reading

82 Part 10 Listening Comprehension

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