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Credits Philosophy 157 G. J. Mattey ©2002. The Cast (in order of appearance)

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Presentation on theme: "Credits Philosophy 157 G. J. Mattey ©2002. The Cast (in order of appearance)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Credits Philosophy 157 G. J. Mattey ©2002

2 The Cast (in order of appearance)

3 Edmund Husserl As the constituting transcendental ego

4 Martin Heidegger As the being questioning the meaning of Being

5 Jean-Paul Sartre As the being that is what is not and is not what it is

6 Michel Foucault As the disciplined body

7 Jacques Derrida As the trace of Friedrich Nietzsche

8 Produced, Directed, Written, Narrated by G. J. Mattey, BA, MA, PhD

9 Production Assistant James David “Byrdman” Byrd, Jr. A bachelor for only two more weeks

10 Equipment Laptop computer generously loaned by the Sproul Social Science Administration

11 Web Host Sproul Hall Web Server Jeremy Smith

12 Disclaimer No animals were harmed in the making of these virtual slides

13 Global Rights Reserved Unauthorized use will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

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