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Dr Kirsty Newman Evidence-Informed Policy Making.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Kirsty Newman Evidence-Informed Policy Making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Kirsty Newman Evidence-Informed Policy Making

2 Overview 1.INASP 2.Science policy advisors in parliament 3.Capacity building for science in developing countries

3 Dissemination Use Access Availability Research Journal Access Bandwidth management & optimisation AuthorAid Journals online Library Development Research Communication Cycle

4 Science policy Research informed policy Policy for research

5 Quiz: What do you know about parliament? 1.The major roles of parliament are: i) ii) iii) 2.The UK Parliament consists of: A: The House of Lords and the House of Commons B: The Monarch and the Governments C: The House of Commons only D: The House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Monarch 3.The UK Government is formed of: A: The Cabinet B: All Labour MPs C: All Labour MPs and all Labour Peers D: Ministers and Whips 4.The major difference between the US Congress and the UK Parliament is.....? 5.The only person who is allowed to have an alcoholic drink in the House of Commons is: A: The Speaker B: The Clerk C: The Prime Minister D: The Chancellor of the Exchequer

6 Quiz cont. A: MP asks parliamentary question about how research funding cuts will affect large research institute in her constituency B: Parliament amends bill on mental health in light of research on effective treatments C: MP from a constituency with a high malaria incidence asks a parliamentary question about the scientific evidence to support a ban on DDT use D: Committee carries out enquiry to establish if government policy on renewable energy is based on scientific evidence E: Parliament approves bill to regulate research ethics F: MP asks parliamentary question about amount of funding the government is spending on physics research LegislationRepresentationScrutiny Science for policy Policy for science A BCD EF

7 Science support in UK parliament? Specialist committee staff Parliamentary library Specialist office- POST

8 “An Office of both Houses of the UK Parliament providing MPs and peers with balanced and independent analysis of public policy issues that have a basis in science and technology”



11 Science advice in African parliament MPs are faced with many policy issues related to science and technology To enable parliament to scrutinise government, ALL MPs need access to accurate impartial advice on science topics

12 Knowledge –Scientifically knowledge of staff and members –Links to experts Skills –Advanced internet search skills –Evaluating quality and bias of information Procedures –Expert review of policy briefings –Recruiting science advisors –Timely production of parliamentary schedule Common gaps in capacity

13 Evidence-Informed Policy making Training Advanced Internet Research and Information Literacy Summarising Skills Communication Skills Networking Linking parliamentary staff and MPs to researchers Regional networking Advocacy Influencing decision makers on importance of Science, Parliaments and Africa

14 Evidence-Informed Policy making Parliamentary Librarian Parliamentary ICT specialist Parliamentary Researcher Co-facilitator Lead Facilitator Science Lead Science Co-facilitator

15 Administration/Project management Travel Carrying out training Meeting/networking Satisfaction..... And Frustration What does my job involve?

16 My career journey BSc in Microbiology and Immunology PhD in HIV research Post-doc Malaria Research International Activities team at the Wellcome Trust Evidence-Informed Policy Officer INASP/POST

17 Grab any opportunities in your current job to develop transferable skills Get help with CV writing Network Proactively seek volunteer/work experience opportunities Expect to take a pay cut Understand the context… Kirsty’s top tips

18 Books e.g. The Trouble with Africa, White Man’s Burden, Dead Aid, The Bottom Billion, Its Our Turn to Eat, The Honest Broker Magazines, journal articles and websites e.g. The Africa Report, Research Africa, Eldis, Reports and policy documents e.g. DFID research strategy, Overseas Development Agency reports, Paris declaration on aid effectiveness, Millennium Development Goals, Monitoring and Evaluation (e.g. log frames, outcome mapping etc) Lectures/seminars- e.g. London School of Economics, Overseas Development Institute, All-party parliamentary groups… Understand the context

19 Clubs for parliamentarians and other interested parties Download the Register of All Party Parliamentary Groups for more information All-party parliamentary groups

20 Any questions??

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