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Religions in the Netherlands. Religions in the Netherlands No confession(48,4%) Roman Catholic (27,0%) Protestant (16,6%) Muslim (5,7%) Hinduistic (1,3%)

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Presentation on theme: "Religions in the Netherlands. Religions in the Netherlands No confession(48,4%) Roman Catholic (27,0%) Protestant (16,6%) Muslim (5,7%) Hinduistic (1,3%)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religions in the Netherlands

2 Religions in the Netherlands No confession(48,4%) Roman Catholic (27,0%) Protestant (16,6%) Muslim (5,7%) Hinduistic (1,3%) Buddhistic (1,0%)

3 History Christianity Actually, all churches originated from the Roman Catholic Church. In the 16th century,Martin Luther protested against the affairs of the Roman Catholic Church. Out of this protests eventually arised the Protestantisme. This process is also known as the Reformation. The third movement is orthodox. Roman CatholicProtestantismeOrthodox CharacterRitualsRationalRelational Key question‘Did you got baptized?’ ‘What do you believe?’ ‘How is your relationship with god?’

4 In 1849 Red = Protestant Green = Roman Catholic

5 Now a days in the Netherlands Multicultural country Multiple religions which collides Tolerant Generations (48,4% has no confession)

6 Why Christianity? TaHkvws 3.20

7 Anne Is not religiously raised Learned about Christianity at elementary school Is openminded about believes Christmas, Easter, etc


9 Marlies I got baptized and did my communion Went to sundayschool out of tradition Interested in other religions but neutral Christmas, Easter, etc

10 Buddhism in the Netherlands At the beginning of this century, Buddhism was really only known in Asia. Now, Buddhism is a world religion. Most Buddhists who live in the Netherlands are from China. It is an emerging belief: meditation for example becomes more and morepopular. Dutch exchange students in Seoul

11 The BUN is the umbrella organization of most Buddhist centers in the Netherlands.

12 Thank you for your attention! Any questions?

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