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Created by, LaRay Harris. SATURN.  Basic Statistics.  Planet Facts.  Planet History.  Interesting Statements. INTRODUCTION.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by, LaRay Harris. SATURN.  Basic Statistics.  Planet Facts.  Planet History.  Interesting Statements. INTRODUCTION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by, LaRay Harris. SATURN

2  Basic Statistics.  Planet Facts.  Planet History.  Interesting Statements. INTRODUCTION

3  Diameter of the Planet. : 120,536 km  Temperature Range. : -191° C to >-130° C  Number of Moons. : 31 SATURN STATISTICS

4  Average Distance From the Sun. : 1,429,400,000 km  Rotation Period. : 10.233 Hours  Orbital Period. : 29 Years, 167 Days, 6.7 Hours SATURN STATISTICS

5  Saturn Is The Second Largest Planet & The Slowest Moving Planet.  Saturn is a Gas Planet. ( One of The Four.)  Saturn is Visible From Earth With the Unaided Eye.  Saturn Was The Farthest Planet From Earth That Historical Astronomers Were Able to Identify. COOL FACTS The Solar System. S A T U R N.


7  Consist Of O7 Rings.  Rings Discovered By Galileo Galilei in1610.  Consist Of:  Chunks of Rock  Frozen Gases  and Water Ice  Studied By The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 Spacecraft in The 1980s.Voyager 1 Voyager 2 THE RINGS OF SATURN Blown Up Picture Of The Rings Of Saturn

8  The Density of Saturn is One-Eighth of The Earth’s.  Consist Of:  Hydrogen(88%)  Helium(11%)  & the remainder  Methane  Ammonia  ammonia crystals  Ethane  ethane (ethylene)  and phosphine.  Liquid Hydrogen Compressed To Metallic Hydrogen. ( Extreme Pressure)  Rocky Core. COMPOSITION OF SATURN The Inside Composition of Saturn.

9  More Than 20 Satellites Have Been Discovered Orbiting Saturn.  Consist Mostly of Lighter Substances.  The Five Larger Inner Satellites:  Mimas  Enceladus  Tethys  Dione  & Rhea SATURN’S SATELLITES

10  Around 53 Moons.  Icy Moons.  Vary Drastically in Shape, Size, Surface Age and Origin. SATURN’S MOONS A Picture Of Saturn & its Moons In Orbit.

11  Unknown Discovery Date. – Sometime In Prehistoric Times. –  Huygens Discovers Saturn’s Largest Moon, Titan, in 1655.  Saturn Was First Visited by NASA's Pioneer 11 in 1979.Pioneer 11 SATURN HISTORY Portrait of Scientific Pioneer Christiaan Huygens.

12  Saturn Was The Roman Name for the Greek Cronos, god of farming, and the father of Zeus/Jupiter.  Saturn is Also Considered the God of Agriculture. THE NAME SATURN Saturn, The Roman God Of Agriculture.

13  It is very windy on Saturn.  Winds Get Up To 1,118 miles per hour. WINDS

14  Saturn Has The Lowest Density of All The Planets in the Solar System.  Actual Number :  0.687 grams per cubic centimeter. DENSITY

15  Cool Fact. :  If You Put Saturn In A Bath Tub, It Will Float. ! SATURN

16  Saturn Has Been Visited By:  Pioneer 11  Voyager 1  Voyager 2  Cassini (in 2004) SATURN The Cassini

17  Earth's Equator is Tilted 23 Degrees so It gives the planet its 4 season.  the Tilt of Saturn & the Thinness of the Rings Causes the Rings Too Look Like They Disappeared Every 14 Years. SEASONS


19     aturn&Display=Rings aturn&Display=Rings  /compo1.htm /compo1.htm   WORK CITED

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