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ANATOMY Unit 3 Notes: Blood Pressure & Heart Disorders.

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1 ANATOMY Unit 3 Notes: Blood Pressure & Heart Disorders

2 (1) Pulse Pressure wave that travels through arteries –Result of contraction and relaxation of artery –Pulse Rate should = Heart Rate Could vary if blood vessel filled with fatty deposits or damaged interior walls

3 (2) Blood Pressure Pressure blood exerts against vessel walls Keeps blood circulating Ventricles Contract: –Blood forced into arteries –Arteries expand as blood travels through –Blood moves high  low pressure Blood continues to move into areas without blood Eventually moves back to heart (when heart empties out)

4 (3) Measuring Blood Pressure Systolic Pressure: –Pressure in arteries –Peak of ventricular contraction Diastolic Pressure: –Pressure in ventricles –Relaxed ventricles Measuring Blood Pressure: 1.Cuff is inflated/tightened until cuff pressure is greater than systolic pressure 2.Blood flow in arm ceases 3.No pulse (heard + felt) 4.Pressure in cuff is reduced  listen for pulse sounds 5.Systolic Blood Pressure = first soft tapping sounds 6.Diastolic Blood Pressure = no more tapping sounds, constant flow 7.Expressed: “Systolic over Diastolic”


6 (4) Hypotension Low blood pressure Systolic = 100 and under Causes: –Increase in fitness –Change in body position and circulation of blood pressure (sitting  standing) –Poor nutrition (decreased viscosity) –Blood loss

7 (5) Hypertension High blood pressure Systolic = 140 and over Causes: –Damaged arterial walls –Fatty deposits –Increased viscosity of blood –Increased stress

8 (6) Coronary Artery Disease Blood vessels fill with fat + calcium deposits Constricts inner volume of blood vessels Severely increases pressure within blood vessels Can build up + not allow blood flow


10 (7) Congenital Heart Defect Common in infants Causes: –Maternal infection –Drugs Defects: –Valves do not open/close properly –Septum separating right + left side may not be complete –Missing chambers/arteries


12 (8) Congestive Heart Failure Weaking of heart + blood vessels: –Common in older + unhealthy individuals Pumping efficiency decreased: –Decrease in blood flow –Decrease in muscle contraction Vessels most likely clogged with fat + calcium: –Leads to straining of heart muscle –Damage to vessels  scar tissue in repair

13 (9) Heart Fibrillation Rapid uncoordinated shuddering/pulsing of heart muscle – Does not allow for proper pumping of blood – Major cause of heart attack + death in adults Tachycardia = rapid heart rate Brachycardia = slowed heart rate


15 (10) Thrombus vs. Embolus Thrombus  Clot in wall of blood vessel Embolus  Free Floating Thrombus Causes: –Rough blood vessel tissue from burns, ruptures, fat. –Slow blood flow (low levels of activity) Aspirin: Common over the counter anticoagulant.



18 (11) Thrombocytopenia (Hemostatic Disorder) Low platelet count & Slow Clotting Rate Typical of bone marrow cancer and/or radiation patients. Caused by damaged liver  Cannot make clotting factors.


20 (12) Hemophilia (Hemostatic Disorder) Low Clotting Factor Count & Slow Clotting Rate Either missing Clotting Factor #8 or #9

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