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Overview  The Pikes Peak BOCES is the Administrative Unit (AU) for nine member districts. We serve over 600 students  As the AU we oversee compliance.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview  The Pikes Peak BOCES is the Administrative Unit (AU) for nine member districts. We serve over 600 students  As the AU we oversee compliance."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview  The Pikes Peak BOCES is the Administrative Unit (AU) for nine member districts. We serve over 600 students  As the AU we oversee compliance with state and federal regulations from IDEA and ECEA  The AU also provides the district with related service providers in the following areas:  School Psychologists and School Social Workers  Speech Language Pathologists and Speech Language Pathologist Assistants  Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants  Audiologists  Teacher of Visually Impaired and Hearing Impaired  School Nurse  In addition, PPBOCES facilitates programs within the School of Excellence (SOE) and the Significant Support Needs program (located at Ellicott Middle School).

3 Special Education Process ReferralEvaluationEligibility DeterminationIEP

4 Referral  Parent request for evaluation must be in writing. The district must respond in writing with EITHER after the entire TEAM has been consulted:  Prior Notice and Consent for Evaluation  Prior Notice of SPED action that we are REFUSING evaluation  RTI can not be used to delay the request for evaluation. DO NOT let requests go unanswered.

5 Evaluation  Evaluation begins with Prior Notice and Consent for Evaluation  Consult ALL team members before sending home  We have 60 days from date it is signed to complete the Evaluation  Full and complete evaluation in all areas of suspected disability  Cognitive not required unless it is for Intellectual Disability or team suspects cognitive delay  Review all assessments available from school before determining what Standardized norm referenced testing is required  School Psych/Social Worker “lead up” all INITITAL evaluations

6 Eligibility Determination  Prior to an Eligibility meeting ALL team members should have reviewed the data for the meeting.  Eligibility Determination discussions should be facilitated by School Psych/Social Worker

7 SLD  Need to have evidence of:  Specific skill deficit in one or more of the areas of SLD. Skill deficit should be documented through  Grade level assessments that demonstrate student has a gap from peers of 2.0 or higher  Targeted norm referenced assessments that show below 12 th percentile  Lack of response to evidenced based interventions  Three targeted interventions are provided  Progress monitoring is specific and aligned to interventions  Student is not making significant growth despite these interventions

8 Speech and Language  Delays in Articulation and/or Expressive/Receptive Language  Can have academic needs  Need to understand how student qualified

9 SED  Review of RecordsSocial History  Family InterviewsTeacher Interviews  Child/Adolescent InterviewsSystematic Direct Observation  FBAAcademic Information  Behavior Rating Scales  Must include two measures, one global and one more targeted to specific area of concern.  Need evidence that behavior is occurring in more than 1 setting  Social Maladjustment Clause  Need to use one measure that assesses and rules out social maladjustment  EDDT, Conner's Comprehensive Scales, SEAD, 2

10 OHI  Other Health Impaired  Do not need a diagnosis for ADHD  Even with diagnosis have to show impact of the disability in the school setting. Diagnosis alone does not indicate student will qualify,  Rating Scales, Direct Observation  If no diagnosis need to show:  Clinically significant levels of Hyperactivity/Inattention in two environments.  Social history, teacher interviews, student interviews

11 The IEP Scavenger Hunt  Student Disability  Needs  Accommodations  Modifications  Grade level or alternative assessment?  Goals  Case Manager


13 The Performance Gap # Years in School Skills Demands /

14 Thinking of students with disabilities What should our expectations be? (ideal) In general, what are our expectations? (real)

15 Teachers’ Explanations  Biggest barrier to struggling learner success  Student attitudes  Students neglect of work  Low ability  Poor attendance  Unsupportive parents

16 Given high quality instruction, how confident are you that struggling adolescent readers can read close to grade level?

17 Proportion of Variance in Student Reading Gain Scores Student School Teacher/Classroom What do you think are the biggest contributors to student achievement gains?

18 Proportion of Variance in Student Reading Gain Scores

19 The Keys  Behaviors are actions  Behaviors are not results or qualities  Not all behaviors are equal  Only a few are genuinely vital

20 Vital Behaviors  There is lots to do……on the surface, most of the things are “good” things.  The issue isn’t whether it’s “good” or not……the issue is whether it’s vital !!

21 Vital Behaviors Exponentially improve your results. Tell you exactly what to do and how to do it. Tend to stop self-defeating behaviors. Often start a reaction that leads to good results.

22 Refine our craft  Work on Instructional Practice  Observe, describe, analyze instructional practice  Build common language and expectations


24 Influences on Achievement ? Decreased Enhanced Zero 0

25 Reducing Class Size on Achievement? Decreased Enhanced Zero 0 What is the effect of reducing class size Hundreds of evaluations of reducing class size ….

26 The typical influence on achievement So what is the typical effect across  750+ meta-analysis  50,000 studies, and  200+ million students

27 Effect on Achievement over time? Decreased Enhanced Zero 0.20 Typical Effect Size 1.0.40

28 Influences on Achievement.40.30.15 1.0 REVERSE Developmental Effects Typical Teacher Effects ZONE OF DESIRED EFFECTS

29 Rank these 11 effects:  Reducing disruptive behavior in the class  Feedback  Acceleration of gifted students  Reading Recovery  Integrated curriculum programs  Homework  Individualized instruction  Ability grouping  Open vs. traditional classes  Retention (holding back a year)  Shifting schools (from 1 = highest effect to 11 = lowest effect)

30 Rank these 11 effects: Answers  Reducing disruptive behavior in the class.86  Feedback.72  Acceleration of gifted students.60  Reading Recovery.50  Integrated curriculum programs.40  Homework.30  Individualized instruction.20  Ability grouping.10  Open vs. traditional classes.00  Retention (hold back a year)-.16  Shifting schools-.34

31 Major domains of interest  Curricula  Home  School  Student  Teacher  Teaching

32 The Disasters... RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 100Mobility (shifting schools)181540 -.34 99Retention2072675 -.16 98Television31235 -.14 97Summer vacation3962 -.09 96Open vs. traditional315333.01 95Multi-grade/age classes9472.04 94Inductive teaching24.06 93Reading: Whole language64197.06 92Perceptual-motor programs180637.08 91Out of school experiences5250.09

33 The Well belows... RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 90Distance education7881545.09 89Web based learning10.09 88Ability grouping4941363.11 87Teacher training53286.11 86Diet on achievement23125.12 85Teacher subject matter knowledge2764.12 84Gender (girls – boys)29266051.12 83Multi-media methods244133.15 82Problem based learning203345.15 81Home-school programmes14.16

34 Not Worth it yet... RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 80Extra-curricula programs9668.17 79Family structure660846.18 78Co-/team teaching13647.19 77Learning hierarchies24.19 76Aptitude/treatment interactions61340.19 75Individualised instruction5811030.20 74Charter schools18.20 73Religious schools56.20 72Class size96785.21 71Teaching test taking267364.22

35 Typical “average teacher” territory... RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 70Finances189681.23 69Summer school105600.23 68Competitive learning831203.24 67Programmed instruction464362.24 66Within class grouping148297.25 65Mainstreaming150370.28 64Desegregation335723.28 63Exercise/relaxation2271971.28 62Audio-based teaching14648.28 61Home visiting by teachers7152.29

36 Close to average RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 60Reducing anxiety69904.30 59 Principals/school leaders on student achievement 3441008.30 58Ability grouping for gifted students125202.30 57Homework261275.31 56Inquiry based teaching205420.31 55Simulations and gaming342449.32 54Reading: Exposure to reading145324.36 53Bilingual programs128666.37 52Teacher positive expectations635745.37 51Computer assisted instruction44818079.37

37 Average … RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 50Enrichment on gifted214543.39 49Integrated curriculum programs6180.39 48Adjunct aids138323.41 47Hypermedia instruction46143.41 46 Behavioral organisers/adjunct questions 5771933.41 45Self-concept on achievement3242113.43 44Frequent/effects of testing3231077.46 43Early intervention16279050.47 42Motivation on learning322979.48 41Small group learning78155.49

38 Getting there … RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 40Questioning214342.49 39Cooperative learning22851519.49 38 Reading: Second/third chance programs 521395.50 37Play programs70.50 36 Visual based/audio-visual teaching 4683860.51 35Outdoor programs187429.52 34Concept mapping91105.52 33Peer influences12122.53 32 Keller's mastery learning program 263162.53 31 Reading: Phonics instruction 4075950.53

39 Let’s have them.... RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 30 Reading: Visual-perception programs 7625244.55 29Parental Involvement6941761.55 28Peer tutoring7671200.55 27Goals - challenging454671.56 26Mastery learning369284.57 25Social skills programs5403068.57 24Socio-economic status499957.57 23Home environment35109.57 22Providing worked examples62151.57 21 Reading: Comprehension programs 3652416.58

40 Exciting …. RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 20Direct instruction304597.59 19Time on task64100.59 18Study skills6562446.59 17Acceleration of gifted60412.60 16Problem solving teaching221719.61 15 Teacher professional development on student achievement 4501790.64 14 Reading: Repeated reading programs 54156.67 13Reading: Vocabulary programs301800.67 12Meta-cognition strategies43123.67 11 Teaching students self- verbalisation 921061.67

41 The Winners... RankCategoryInfluenceStudiesEffectsES 1Self-report grades209305 1.44 2Absence of disruptive students140315.86 3Classroom behavioural160942.80 4Quality of teaching141195.77 5Reciprocal teaching3853.74 6Prior achievement33878758.73 7Teacher-student relationships2291450.72 8Feedback12761928.72 9 Providing formative evaluation to teachers 21.70 10Creativity programs658814.70

42 Visible teaching & Visible learning  What some teachers do!  In active, calculated and meaningful ways  Providing multiple opportunities & alternatives  Teaching learning strategies  Around surface and deep learning  That leads to students constructing learning

43 Activator or Facilitator ?

44 Teaching or Working Conditions?

45 Prediction time!  In 9th grade core classes (science, history, etc.)…  What percentage of time do teachers spend in active instruction?  How frequently are “high impact” strategies used that research has shown to work with students who struggle in learning?  In 9th grade “supplemental” classes…  What percentage of time do teachers spend in active instruction?  How frequently are “high impact” strategies used that research has shown to work with students who struggle in learning?

46 This is what we want in terms of instruction!

47 1. Lecture/read 2. Give directions 3. Listening 4. Ask questions 5. Monitor 6. Model 7. Verbal rehearsal 8. Simple enhancer 9. Advance organizer 10. Role Play 11. Content Enhancement (complex) 12. Elaborated Feedback 13. Write on board 14. Describe skill/strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Observation of Teacher Practice Study


49 1. Lecture/read 2. Give directions 3. Listening 4. Ask question 5. Monitor 6. Model 7. Verbal rehearsal 8. Simple enhancer 9. Advance organizer 10. Role Play 11. Content Enhancement (complex) 12. Elaborated Feedback 13. Write on board 14. Describe skill/strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. Lecture/read 2. Give directions 3. Listening 4. Ask question 5. Monitor 6. Model 7. Verbal rehearsal 8. Simple enhancer 9. Advance organizer 10. Role Play 11. Content Enhancement (complex) 12. Elaborated Feedback 13. Write on board 14. Describe skill/strategy


51 Results: Role Observation Key role components data, all teachers combined Mitchell, 2011

52 Results: Instruction Observation Instructional Practices with Greatest Effects Instructional Practices with Typical Effects Feedback11.93%Physical Observation11.08% Exposure to Reading11.38%Not Engaged in Instruction 9.24% Manipulate/Generalize10.21%Lecture2.05% Fact/Concept Review9.29% Give Directions8.95% On-going Assessment8.20% Skill/Strategy Review6.67% Modeling4.63% Questioning3.24% Video1.96% Listening1.06% Graphic Devices0.07% Describe Skill/Strategy0.04% Total 77.63% (Mitchell, 2011) 22.37%

53 Another way of saying it…..  27% of time spent in instruction  X  77% of time using practices with “greatest effects”  =  21% of time/week in “effective” instruction  1 day/week

54 IES Practice Guides   Data-based Decision Making  Structuring Out-of-School Academic Achievement  Math and RTI  Reading and RTI  Reducing Behavior Problems in Elementary Schools  Effective Literacy and ELL in Elementary Schools  Girls Achievement in Math and Science  Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning


56 Design Features in Content Enhancement to Support Literacy and Learning Support for Prior Knowledge Organization and manipulation of information Metacognitive components Graphic Organizer Embedded cognitive strategy Explicit instruction Interactive construction of knowledge & comprehension

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