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CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Presented by: Suparna Manjunath Dept of Computer & Information Sciences University of Delaware.

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Presentation on theme: "CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Presented by: Suparna Manjunath Dept of Computer & Information Sciences University of Delaware."— Presentation transcript:

1 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Presented by: Suparna Manjunath Dept of Computer & Information Sciences University of Delaware Behavioral Detection of Malware on Mobile Handsets Abhijit Bose, Xin Hu, Kang G. Shin, Taejoon Park

2 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Malware on Mobile Handsets  Like PC’s Mobile Handsets are becoming more intelligent and complex in functionality  Exposure to malicious programs and risks increase with the new capabilities of handsets  Cabir, the first mobile worm appeared in June 2004  WinCE.Duts, the Windows CE virus was the first file injector on mobile handsets capable of infecting all the executables in the device’s root directory

3 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems  Rely primarily on signature-based detection  Useful mostly for post-infection cleanup  Example: Scan the system directory for the presence of files with specific extension.APP,.RSC and.MLD in Symbian-based devices  Due to differences between mobile and traditional desktop environments Limitations of current anti-virus solutions for mobile devices

4 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Why conventional anti-virus solutions are less efficient for mobile devices?  Mobile devices generally have limited resources such as CPU, memory, and battery power  Most published studies on the detection of internet malware focus on their network signatures  Mobile OSes have important differences in the way file permissions and modifications to the OS are handled

5 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Goal Develop a detection framework that  Overcomes the limitations of signature based detection  Address the unique features and constraints of mobile handsets

6 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Approach Behavioral detection approach is used to detect malware on mobile handsets

7 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Behavioral Detection  Run-time behavior of an application is monitored and compared against malicious and/or normal behavior profiles  More resilient to polymorphic worms and code obfuscation  Database of behavior profiles is much smaller than that needed for storing signature-based profiles  Suitable for resource limited handsets  Has potential for detecting new malware

8 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems System Overview

9 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Malicious Behavior Signatures  Behavior Signature: Manifestation of a specification of resource accesses and events generated by applications  It is not sufficient to monitor a single event of a process in isolation in order to classify an activity to be malicious  Temporal Pattern: The precedence order of the events and resource accesses, is the key to detect malicious intent

10 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Temporal Patterns - Example  Consider a simple file transfer by calling the Bluetooth OBEX system call in Symbian OS  On their own, any such call will appear harmless  Temporal Pattern: (received file is of type.SIS) and (that file is executed later) and (installer process seeks to overwrite files in the system directory)

11 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Representation of Malicious Behavior  Simple Behavior: ordering the corresponding actions using a vector clock and applying the “and” operator to the actions  Complex Behavior: specified using temporal logic instead of classical propositional logic  Specification language of TLCK(Temporal Logic of Causal Knowledge) is used to represent malicious behaviors within the context of a handset environment

12 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Behavior Signature  A finite set of propositional variables interposed using TLCK  Each variable (when true) confirms the execution of either - A single or an aggregation of system calls - An event such as read/write access to a given file descriptor, directory structure or memory location  PS = {p1, p2, ・ ・ ・, pm} U {i|i ∈ N}

13 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Operators used to define Malicious Behavior Logical Operators: Temporal Operators:

14 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Example: Commwarrior Worm – Behavior Signature

15 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Atomic Propositional Variables

16 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Higher Level Signatures Harmless Signatures: Harmful Signatures:

17 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Generalized Behavior Signatures  Studied more than 25 distinct families of mobile viruses and worms targeting the Symbian OS  Extracted most common signature elements and a database was created  Malware actions were placed were placed into 3 categories: - User Data Integrity - System Data Integrity - Trojan-like Actions

18 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Run-Time Construction of Behavior Signatures Proxy DLL to capture API call arguments

19 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Major Components of Monitoring System

20 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Behavior Classification By Machine Learning Algorithm  Behavior signatures for the complete life cycle of malware are placed in the behavior database for run-time classification  To activate early response mechanisms, malicious behavior database must also contain partial signatures that have a high probability of eventually manifesting as malicious behavior  Behavior detection system can detect even new malware or variants of existing malware, whose behavior is only partially matched with the signatures in the database  SVM is used to classify partial behavior signatures from the training data of both normal and malicious applications

21 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Possible Evasions Program behavior can be obfuscated by:  Behavior reordering  File or directory renaming  Normal behavior insertion  Equivalent behavior replacement

22 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Limitations  The detection might fail if most behaviors of a mobile malware are completely new or the same as normal programs  The system can be circumvented by malware that can bypass the API monitoring or modify the framework configuration

23 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Evaluation  Monitor agent (platform dependent) and Behavior detection agent (platform independent) is evaluated  Program behavior is emulated and then tested against real-world worms  5 malware applications (Cabir, Mabir, Lasco, Commwarrior, and a generic worm that spreads by sending messages via MMS and Bluetooth) and 3 legitimate applications (Bluetooth OBEX file transfer, MMS client, and the MakeSIS utility in Symbian OS) were built Applications (Malwre + Legitimate) Set of Behavior Signatures Obtain Partial/ Full Signatures Remove Redundant Signatures Training Dataset Testing Dataset

24 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Classification Accuracy of Known Worms

25 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Detection Accuracy (%) of Unknown Worms

26 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Evaluation with Real-world Mobile Worms  Two Symbian worms, Cabir and Lasco are considered  Behavior signatures are collected by compiling and running them on Symbian emulator - SVC achieved 100% detection of all worm instances  Framework’s resilience to the variations and obfuscation is tested by considering the variants of Cabir - The variants are easily detectable as the behavioral detection abstracts away the name details

27 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Conclusions  Due to fewer signatures, the malware database is compact and can be place on a handset  Can potentially detect new malware and their variants  Behavioral detection results in high detection rates

28 CISC 879 - Machine Learning for Solving Systems Problems Thank You

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