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Update to Dublin Chamber of Commerce Network Direct Paddy Doherty Thursday 18 th November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Update to Dublin Chamber of Commerce Network Direct Paddy Doherty Thursday 18 th November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update to Dublin Chamber of Commerce Network Direct Paddy Doherty Thursday 18 th November 2010

2 Background to Network Direct Changing travel patterns CSO data, Ticketing data Changing Infrastructure College Green Bus Corridor Changing customer needs Easy to understand information Deloitte Examination and Recommendations

3 Network Direct Objectives Simplified alignments, with combined route legs Buses will operate at evenly spaced times Cross city route alignments Simplify information Easier to Market

4 Progress to Date Project Team Dedicated Team reporting to Board Sub Committee Meetings with all stakeholders 200 meetings to date –Local Authorities, Chamber of Commerce, DCBA, Transport agencies, Elected representatives Stillorgan/Bray Implemented September 2010 Blanchardstown Implemented October 2010 Lucan Planned implementation Sunday 21 st November Completion of Full Network Target Date April 2011

5 Blanchardstown Main Features Route 39a cross city service to Belfield Routes 37, 38/a and 70 extended to Baggot St Three Core Routes (37, 38a, 39a) New & improved services to; Ongar, Littlepace, Castlecurragh Easier to read Timetables Simpler route structure (from 20 to 9 route numbers) Improved Orbital Route 17a

6 Route 17a Orbital Route extended from Kilbarrack Dart Station to Blanchardstown Now serving Beaumont, Cappagh and Blanchardstown Hospitals and the Blanchardstown Centre Consistent all day service Web page showing Bus Stops and alignment on

7 City Centre Main Features More cross city bus routes Time savings through direct all day services to key employment districts Reduction in buses terminating in city centre Improved city environment Continue Promotions and Incentives Ticket Thursdays Community Involvement

8 Localised Information Strategy Initial Planned changes displayed on Website First delivery of proposals to households Final proposals put on Website Local meetings and consultations Final delivery of ‘Z Card’ leaflets with detailed timetables and maps to all homes

9 Local Service Information New, easy to read line maps Spider Map shows main areas served Highlights connections to adjacent bus routes Highlights interchange points to Luas/Rail Shows other areas of interest, eg shopping centres, hospitals

10 10 Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Control and Real Time Information Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) operational on 50% of fleet All buses will be satellite tracked by early 2011 Improves service reliability, control Enabled to give buses priority at traffic lights Real Time Passenger Information (RPTI) will follow AVL rollout with NTA

11 Accessibility Transport for All Travel Assistance Scheme Accessible bus stops Wider gangways Improved lighting Grip bars highly visible Front and side destination signs enhanced Low floor buses now at 92% Bus Stop numbering / braille Regular User Group Meetings IWA, NCBI, Deaf Association, Guide Dog Association, Senior Citizen Parliament and St. Michaels House

12 Looking to the Future Priorities are:- Strategic Reform of Route Network Continued strong focus on getting key bus priorities Roll out Real Time Information on-street, mobile phones and website Implement full Integrated Ticketing System

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