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1 nor mere white! neither just black… CEBra sustainable.

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1 1 nor mere white! neither just black… CEBra sustainable

2 2  Based on the competences of the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus R&D services have been concentrated and will be better promoted.  A strong link to other universities in the field of energy has been formed.  Former co-workers of the energy agency of Brandenburg add the competence of collaboration with market actors.  The former Energy Resources Institute ERI e.V. has changed its performance to reduce to public utility and has become CEBra e.V..  The association (e.V.) has founded a limited company in Nov. 2003 to offer services and project management. CEBra – Centre for Energy Technology Brandenburg well based

3 3 Competence in Intelligent Energy  Energy management  Bioenergy development and deployment  Energy technology development with SMEs  Intelligent (IQ e ) buildings and strategies for shrinking cities  Technologies and strategies for decentralized power management  Development and deployment of innovative devices for grids and power Stations  Development of highly efficient combustion and gasification technologies  Development and deployment of power profiles know how

4 4 Three interconnected structures are the basis for high performance of the Centre Research and Development  Ressources  Production  Transmission  Use Service and Transfer  for R&D-Projects  With R&D- Infrastructure  Marketdeploym.  Energymanage- ment Support and connect  Networks  Lobbywork  Information  Fora BTU §75 BbgHGGmbH e.V. well related

5 5  One innovative conversion system with high efficiency for conventional or renewable fuels  Different technologies (PEM, SO, MC, DM)  Different applications (stationary, portable, mobile)  Core processes, system integration  Development, pilot, demo, niche markets, competition  Technical, economical, political aspects roughly speaking Talking about fuel cells……

6 6 targeted The European answer to world competition

7 7 to be honest The challenge of competing systems cost’s

8 8 still open Source: AMCG Year 20002010 2020 Portable Stationary Mobile-propulsion (Nichs) Portabel Stationary Mobile- APU* Mobile** (Lorries)) Mobile Machins** Ships** Mobile** (cars) conservative Portable, Stationary Szenario optimistic Mobile Market Volume p.a. * APU =auxiliary powerunit ** Propulsion Demo + Market Introduction Market Diffusion Scenarios Fuel Cell based Products 2000 - 2020

9 9  Different projects before or in pilot phase  Limited range of unique developments for main components  Core competence mostly in the US and Canada  Ready configured FC-appliances  Regional, national, global market with strong dynamic  Annual needs in Germany for reconstruction 400,000 and for new applications 300,000 units, expected market share 15,000  Need for stand alone solutions, APU, combinations market development

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