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Triple Storage. Copyright  2006 by CEBT Triple(RDF) Storages  A triple store is designed to store and retrieve identities that are constructed from.

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1 Triple Storage

2 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Triple(RDF) Storages  A triple store is designed to store and retrieve identities that are constructed from triplex collections of strings  These triplex collections represent a Subject-Predicate-Object relationship  Each RDF statement is stored as a single row in a three column table. IDS Lab. Seminar - 2Center for E-Business Technology

3 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Features  Jena Support for multiple reasoning engines – OWL-DL, OWL-Lite, RDF Scheme Jena’s fundamental class for users is the Model, an API for dealing with a set of RDF triples. A Model can be created from the file system, existing RDBMS such as MySQL or PostgreSQL  Sesame Supports the SeRQL query language Supports file system, In-memory and existing table-based RDBMS such as MySQL and PostgreSQL Fair performance with systems of up to 70M triples. IDS Lab. Seminar - 3Center for E-Business Technology

4 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Feature  Mulgara Designed for extremely large graphs Good performance with stores of 160M triples Uses a proprietary storage (not existing RDBMS)  3Store 3store is a core C library that uses MySQL, available under the GPL license Successful applications handling 100M triples. Provides C language library Uses MySql as Storage IDS Lab. Seminar - 4Center for E-Business Technology

5 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Features  RDF Gateway Commercial Engine (free for evaluation) Complete Web server that manages a built-in RDF Store Proprietary RDFQL language (SPARQL is also supported) Access control using NT user, Groups Transaction Supported  AllegroGraph Fair performance with systems of up to billions of triples Single threaded server based RDF store. Multi volumn Support IDS Lab. Seminar - 5Center for E-Business Technology

6 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Comparison of Storages  Engine Features IDS Lab. Seminar - 6Center for E-Business Technology EnginesMulti-Volumn Management Tools View SupportShadowing Transaction ACID Jena w/ MySQLn/aYESn/aYESn/a Jena w/ PostGres n/aYESn/aYES Jena w/ InnoDBYES n/aYES AllegroGraphn/aFewn/a YES Sesamen/aSomen/a YES Mulgaran/aNon/a YES RDF Gatewayn/aSomeYesn/aYES

7 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Comparison of Storages  Server, API features IDS Lab. Seminar - 7Center for E-Business Technology SystemCreationQuery Update Query Reification Community Support Reasoning JenaYESSparqlNoYes OWL-DL SesameYESSerQLNo YesRDFS MulgaraYESItqlYESNoSmallOWL-Lite 3StoreNoSparqlNo Small? AllegroGraphYESSparqlNoYesSmallOWL RDF GatewayYESProprietarynoNoSmallRDFSRDFS

8 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Comparison of Storages  Performance IDS Lab. Seminar - 8Center for E-Business Technology SystemScalabilityLoading RDF Jena1.7 billion1900 ms Sesame0.07 billion1887 ms Mulgara0.5 billion/ 3Store0.1 billion1908 ms AllegroGraph1.0 billion/ RDF Gateway0.26 billion/

9 Copyright  2006 by CEBT Conclusion  Jena has reasonable scalability and performance, easy to use, and used in many projects  MySQL 3 performs the most quickly in general as a Jena Store IDS Lab. Seminar - 9Center for E-Business Technology

10 Copyright  2006 by CEBT References  Features RDF Storage and Retrieval Systems, Handbook of Ontologies, Springer, 2008. Features of an Enterprise-ready Triple Store, IBM, 2006 Provenance Store Evaluation, Pacific Northwest National Lab, 2008  Scalability, Benchmark Scalability Report on Triple Store Applications, 2004 An Evaluation of Triple-Store, ESG-CET, 2008 Sciencific Workflow Provenance Metadata Management Using an RDBMS-based RDF Store, 2007  Triple Store Schemes IDS Lab. Seminar - 10Center for E-Business Technology

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