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Jared DeSoto, Anirban Sarkar, and Theda Daniels-Race

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1 A Study of Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) of Carbon Nanotubes on Insulator Substrates
Jared DeSoto, Anirban Sarkar, and Theda Daniels-Race Applied Hybrid Electronics Materials & Structures (AHEMS) Laboratory Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Louisiana State University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Bottom right corner: SESAPS 2013 SESAPS, 2013

2 Table of Contents Carbon Nanotubes: Introduction and Synthesis
Solution-Based Deposition Techniques Electrophoretic Deposition Fundamentals Benefits Research Motivation Experimental Procedure Process Recipes Experimental Results Conclusions and Future Work

3 Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs): Introduction and Synthesis
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) Synthesis: Direct Growth Arc Discharge (Prof. Ijima,1991) 2. Laser Ablation (Prof. Smalley, Rice University) 3. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Single sheet of graphene rolled as a cylinder Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) Multiple sheets of graphene rolled into concentric cylinders

4 Solution-Based Deposition Techniques
Benefits: Economical set-up Room temperature processing Low cost Simple apparatus Solution based deposition Choice of solvents for dispersion Deposition of purified materials Control of deposition parameters Fast processing time No vacuum Potential to scale-up for mass production Plastic and low temperature printing technologies State-of-the-art techniques: Spray Coating Inkjet Printing Drop Casting Spin Coating Dip/Rod Coating Add pictures for maybe spray coating and inkjet printing Used with Permission

5 Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD): Fundamentals and Benefits
Two step process: Electrophoresis: Particle migration under electric field Deposition: Particle coagulation on the depositing electrode Benefits of EPD: Simple experimental set up/ no vacuum Fast processing, high yield Applicable to any powdered solid that forms a stable suspension Better surface coverage Control of deposition thickness Single-step processing Possibility to scale up for large-scale applications Schematic of EPD

6 Challenge and Research Motivation
EPD of CNTs Predominantly performed on conducting substrates e.g. Al, Cu, ITO and conducting polymers CNT-based thin film transistors Deposition necessary on gate dielectric films (SiO2, polyimide, Al2O3) Drain metal Source metal Gate Dielectric Semiconducting CNT networks Research Objective: Study of Electrophoretic Deposition of CNTs on insulator (glass) substrates

7 Experimental Procedure
Pre-cleaning of glass substrates by piranha treatment Surface functionalization by organosilane 20% APTES* Acid treatment of CNTs ( H2SO4:HNO3=3:1) Ultrasonic dispersion of CNTs in water (H2O): EtOH=1:1 Controlled drop casting of CNTs 2nd round of APTES treatment on the drop casted CNTs Dispersion of acid-refluxed CNTs in IPA (EPD Solution) Electrophoretic Deposition Applied voltage: V for 3 minutes APTES*- 3-Amino propyl tri ethoxy silane

8 Process Recipes: Recipe A Recipe B Recipe C Piranha treatment – 1 hr.
20% APTES- 1 hr. Drop casting Solvent: H2O: EtOH=1:1 2% APTES- 1 hr. EPD voltage: 150 V Dep. Time: 3 min EPD voltage: V Film Thickness: ~2.0µm Film Thickness: ~1.8µm Film Thickness: ~3.4µm

9 Experimental Results Appreciable surface coverage
Drop casted CNTs EPD coated CNTs 1 cm Optical images of the EPD coated CNTs on drop casted layer of CNTs SEM image of the EPD coated films Appreciable surface coverage No microscopic voids in the film morphology

10 Experimental Results Raman Spectroscopy
Thickness and Surface Roughness KLA Tencor Alpha Step results: Average film thickness: ~2-2.5 µm Average surface Roughness: ~ nm Absence of radial breathing modes (RBM) Disordered induced D-band (~1300 cm-1) Tangential G-band (~1600 cm-1)

11 Conclusion and Future Work
First time study of EPD of CNTs on glass (insulator) substrates Use of CNTs (drop casted) to deposit thick CNT films by EPD Characterization of the deposited films ( SEM, Raman, Alfa Step data) Future work: Use of semiconducting CNTs Use of competing deposition techniques e.g. spray coating, inkjet printing to obtain the initial CNT coating CNT EPD on sputter coated silicon dioxide (SiO2), silicon nitride (SiN) films Device Fabrication

12 Acknowledgements This work was funded in part by the Louisiana Board of Regents (LEQSF( ) -RD-A-07), NASA (2011)-DART-44, the generous support of Dr. Kristina Johnson, and the AES Corporation. We are also grateful for the use of the Electronic Material and Device Laboratory within the Division of Electrical & Computer Engineering (LSU).

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