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What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012 What is Feedback? Connecting Student Perceptions to Assessment Practices James Harland School of Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012 What is Feedback? Connecting Student Perceptions to Assessment Practices James Harland School of Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012 What is Feedback? Connecting Student Perceptions to Assessment Practices James Harland School of Computer Science & IT, RMIT University Joint work with Arnold Pears (Uppsala), Margaret Hamilton, Roger Hadgraft (RMIT)

2 Why? What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012  Arnold Pears here for semester 2, 2012  Margaret, James, Roger, Arnold got talking …  Paper submitted in late November to LaTiCe  Talk about ideas now before semester 1, 2013

3 The ‘F’ Word … What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012

4 Turing and Ordinal Logic14 th September, 2012

5 Intro to IT (RMIT) What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012 Semester 1, 2012 CES results: 9: ``The teaching staff normally give me helpful feedback on how I am going in this course’’ 13: ``The staff put a lot of time into commenting on my work’’ Question12345Score 91515231564% 131421221156%  Worst and third-worst overall scores  (2 nd worst was `This course prepares me for working in a global or international setting.’) (!!)

6 Intro to IT (Uppsala) What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012  Similar course, similar results  Evaluation of 2.7 on a scale of 1 to 5 in 2011  ``Don’t have so many small exercises, everything is very confusing and unrelated. I would personally have spent more time on the assignments if they had been fewer in total and larger, which would have resulted in me learning more.”

7 So Where Now? What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012 Graham Gibbs: Students only value feedback if it helps them with the next assessment item  Few students seek to see their exam  Sounds like something we could test (!)  Get some base data and do some measurements …  Have access to data at least two universities on two continents

8 Principles What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012 Articulate Gibbs’ idea into 4 principles (PeHaHaHa ) 1. Learning activities should be linked to a high-level goal 2. Assessment activities should be constructively aligned and should build on one another 3. Feedback should directly enhance student outcomes on subsequent tasks 4. Feedback should be interactive

9 Intro to IT What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012 3 Assignments: Progressive production of a video  Assignment 1: Image and audio transformations  Assignment 2: Find two options for a new computer for your grandmother  Assignment 3:  Answer 12 reflection questions  Research some interesting IT topic

10 Intro to IT What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012 1.No explicit links to high-level goals (except maybe 3...) 2.Not constructively aligned 3.Feedback on one task does not directly enhance subsequent outcomes 4.Feedback was sent via WebMark (highly non-interactive )

11 Intro to IT (plans for 2013) What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012  Larger problem broken into three pieces  Drop assignments 1&2, larger scale for research report  4 questions + draft report  4 more questions and 2 nd draft  4 more questions and final report  Feedback to include general guidance on good report writing and technical tips for interesting ideas  ‘Topic is too broad’  ‘Focus on this point’  ‘Add a diagram’  Do more research!  ‘I recognise this as copied from Wikipedia …’

12 Intro to IT (plans for 2013) What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012  Interactivity  Academic discussing expectations beforehand  Students working in groups in tutorials  Informal review by other students  Peer review as part of assessment  Formal interview with staff member  Staff get a better understanding of ‘where the students are’

13 Plans for 2013 What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012  Re-design assessments at RMIT and Uppsala according to the 4 principles  Re-measure outcomes on feedback  See improvement  Instance of action research  Submit another paper

14 Questions? What is Feedback?14 th December, 2012

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