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Presentation on theme: "TEETH TYPES/FORMULA/ERUPTION"— Presentation transcript:


2 Tooth Eruption Lower teeth -usually erupt first, beginning as early as 6 months after birth. Most children have a full set of primary teeth by the time they are 3 years old. The child’s jaws continue to grow, making room for the permanent (adult) teeth that will begin to erupt at about age 6 years.

3 Primary teeth begin to shed between ages 6 and 7 years.
This process continues until about age 12 years. Temporary (primary)-20 Permanent(adult)-32

PRIMARY TEETH Mandibular Teeth: A=6-6⅟2 months B=6⅟2-7 months C=16-20 months D=12-16 months E=20-30 months Maxillary Teeth: A=7-7⅟2 months B=7⅟2-8 months C=16-20 months D=12-16 months E=20-30 months

5 Permanent teeth: Mandibular Teeth: 1=6-7 years 2=7-8 years
Maxillary Teeth: 1=7-8 years 2=8-9 years 3=11-12 years 4=9-10 years 5=10-11 years 6=6 years 7=11-12 years 8=17-21/18-25 years


7 Dental Formula No. and types of teeth is written as a dental formula for each side of mouth with upper and lower teeth in separate rows Terms regarding dentition : Dentition: The teeth in the dental arch Primary dentition:  Deciduous teeth/milk teeth/baby teeth Permanent dentition: Adult teeth Mixed dentition : The complement of teeth in the jaws after eruption of some of the permanent teeth, but before all the deciduous teeth are shed. Precocious dentition:  Abnormally accelerated appearance of the deciduous or permanent teeth. Retarded dentition : Abnormally delayed appearance of the deciduous or permanent teeth.

8 Surfaces of a tooth Lingual /Palatal Surface Labial/ Buccal Surface
Occlusal surface/ Biting surface Mesial surface –Towards the front Distal surface – Towards the back

9 MALOCCLUSION Problems due to an abnormal relation of upper and lower teeth resulting in disturbed function or appearance E.g: To chew.

10 MALOCCLUSION TYPES: Type I: A malocclusion where your bite is OK ( top teeth line up with your bottom teeth) but teeth are crooked, crowded or turned. Type II: Malocclusion where your upper teeth stick out past your lower teeth. This is also called an overbite or back teeth . Type III: Malocclusion where your lower teeth stick out past your upper teeth. This is also called an under bite.

11 Class I with severe crowding and labially erupted canines

12 class II molar relationship

13 TOOTH NOTATION 1.FDI two digit notation
(Fédération Dentaire Internationale) or World Dental federation 2.Universal notation 3.Palmer notation (Zsigmondy system )

14 FDI Two-digit notation
Notation for Adults: Central incisors-1 Lateral -2 Canine-3 1st Premolar-4 2nd Premolar-5 1st Molar-6 2nd Molar-7 3rd Molar-8

15 Permanent and primary teeth notation
The permanent teeth  quadrants are designated 1 to 4 and primary from 5 TO 8. upper right-1( 5 in baby teeth) upper left- 2 (6 in baby teeth) lower left- 3 (7 in baby teeth) lower right- 4 (8 in baby teeth) 1 2 5 6 Baby teeth notation 8 7 4 3 Permanent and primary teeth notation

16 So tooth identification done by two digit combination i.e.
combination of the quadrant and tooth The upper right central incisor- 11 (one, one) The upper left central incisor- 21( two, one) The lower left permanent first molar is 36 (three, six) First digit is quadrant no. n 2nd digit is tooth no. Can be used in computer

17 FDI Two-Digit Notation Chart
Permanent Teeth Upper Right Upper Left Lower Right Lower Left

18 FDI Two-Digit Notation Chart
Baby Teeth Upper Right Upper Left Lower Right Lower Left

3rd molar , 16, 17, 32 2nd molar , 15, 18, 31 1st molar , 14, 19, 30 2nd bicuspid , 13, 20, 29 1st bicuspid , 12, 21, 28 Canine , 11, 22, 27 lateral incisor , 10, 23, 26 central incisor , 9, 24, 25

20 Primary teeth: Tooth Tooth Notation UR, UL, LL, LR 2nd molar A, J, K, T 1st molar B, I, L, S Canine C, H, M, R lateral incisor D, G, N, Q central incisor E, F, O, P

21 Palmer Notation Draw quadrant Indicate the tooth by no. (1-8)
Can’t be used in computer PERMANENT TEETH Upper right Upper left      Lower right Lower left

22 Palmer permanent dentition

23 BABY TEETH Upper right Upper left E D C B A A B C D E E D C B A A B C D E Lower right Lower left



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