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DEN, 2008 1. 2 Discovery Education streaming and Google Earth Introduction to the power of Google Earth and media. Linda Foote and Hall Davidson March.

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Presentation on theme: "DEN, 2008 1. 2 Discovery Education streaming and Google Earth Introduction to the power of Google Earth and media. Linda Foote and Hall Davidson March."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEN, 2008 1

2 2 Discovery Education streaming and Google Earth Introduction to the power of Google Earth and media. Linda Foote and Hall Davidson March 2008

3 DEN, 2008 33 Google Earth is free download at Bonus! Educators can also download Google Earth Pro free by emailing

4 DEN, 2008 4 Google Earth Quick Start User Guide 1.Search Panel- Use to find places and directions 2.Overview Map- Use for an additional perspective 3.Hide/Show sidebar- Click to conceal or display side bar 4.Placemark- Click to add a placemark 5.Polygon- Click to add a polygon 6.Path- Click to add a path 7.Image Overlay- Click to add an image 8.Measure- Click to measure distance 9.Email- Click to email view or image 10.Print- Click to print current view 11.Navigation Controls- Use to tilt, zoom and move 12.Layers Panel- Use to display points of interests 13.Places Panel- Use to locate, save, and organize placemarks 14.3D Viewer- View the globe and terrain 15.Status Bar- View streaming status

5 DEN, 2008 5 Navigation Tools Zoom in Zoom out or Double click Tilt Down Tilt Up

6 DEN, 2008 6 Navigation Tools Find advanced controls under Options (PC) or Preferences (Mac). Manipulate Elevation Exaggeration, Touring Speed, etc 2 PC Mac

7 DEN, 2008 7 Sidebar: Search, Places, Layers The sidebar manages much of your content in Google Earth. The sections are Search – Where you search for addresses, businesses, and directions. You can then fly there! Places – My Places stores your content. This includes content you have collected and content you have created. Layers – Content created by other people, companies like Discovery, and databases. These include maps, videos, images, borders, books, and much more.

8 DEN, 2008 8 Sidebar: Search Fly To: Go ahead, type in your address. Try landmarks, city names, and more! Note: These are not real time images! Find Businesses: Type in needed services, stores, etc. Directions: Point to point directions plus a flying tour!

9 DEN, 2008 9 Sidebar: Places The sidebar manages much of your content in Google Earth. Places stores your content. My Places stores everything you have marked, your Placemarks, Image Overlays, and tours. When you open files or visit places they are stored first in Temporary Places “Add Content” links to many interesting places and a great place to explore.

10 DEN, 2008 10 Sidebar: Layers Some of the most powerful education tools in the Sidebar are in Layers. When checked, Layers overlay Google Earth with new features. The best are in the Gallery. Hint: Do NOT check too many layers. Your screen will get crowded!

11 DEN, 2008 11 Sidebar: Layers Some of the most powerful education tools in Layers are in Gallery.

12 DEN, 2008 12 Menu Panel: Powerful Tools for Instruction Hide Sidebar Polygon RouteI Ruler Google Maps Sky Placemark Image Overlay We will focus on adding Placemarks and Image Overlays

13 DEN, 2008 13 80% Network When you create resources, begin with folders Other 20% First Things First Create a Folder (Ctrl+Shift+N) This will help us keep our placemarks organized. When you add new Placemarks with the folder open, the Placemarks automatically go into the folder.

14 DEN, 2008 14 Placemarks Adding Placemarks Click on Placemark Give it a name Choose an icon Add text to the description box The box is actually a mini-web page. We will explore the power in this feature for media later.

15 DEN, 2008 15 Organizing Placemarks Placemarks will show up in My Places. A “tour” will fly to all the resources in a checked folder. Check folders to activate places. Don’t check too many or navigation gets difficult. Double click on Place to fly there—or click the play button to go to all checked places in order. To fly over all your place marks click, highlight your folder and click the play button.

16 DEN, 2008 16 80% Network Adding Media from Discovery Education streaming Adding Sounds or Video (PC only for now) Find media online at Right Click on the green play icon Copy short cut Paste in Placemark description

17 DEN, 2008 17 80% Adding Image Overlays -students, school images Other 20% To add an Image Overlay press (Ctrl+Shift+O) or from the menu bar click “Add” then “Image Overlay” Web - Right Click on web image, then click properties and copy and paste address. (Note: Make sure you get all correlating lines of the address) Hard Drive - Browse to the folder with images. Adjust green box to desired image size Paste image address in the link box

18 DEN, 2008 18 80% Adding Image Overlays -from DE streaming Other 20% To add an Image Overlay press (Ctrl+Shift+O) or from the menu bar click “Add” then “Image Overlay” Web - Right Click on web image, then click properties and copy and paste address. (Note: Make sure you get all correlating lines of the address) Hard Drive - Browse to the folder with images. Adjust green box to desired image size Paste image address in the link box

19 DEN, 2008 19 80% Network Menu Panel: Ruler Other 20% To find out distance traveled, from the menu bar select “Tools” then “Ruler” By clicking different points with your mouse you can create a line or a path. Line measures distance between two points. Path measures distances on a path with many points. To convert units of measure select from the drop down menu. A Path is the way to connect Placemarks or Image Overlays on a Google Lit trip or Google History Expedition, etc.! Kids or teachers can build them.

20 DEN, 2008 20 Saving, sharing, and backing up You can save and share everything in My Places. Go to File and select Save. Save the place or folder as a.kmz It will be small. You can email it, post it, leave it on the shared drive or back it up! When someone opens the.kmz file, Google Earth will automatically be launched or users will be encouraged to download the program.

21 DEN, 2008 21 80% Network Bringing it all together Other 20%

22 DEN, 2008 22 End Part I

23 Google Confidential and Proprietary23 Finally, Staggeringly Good Things Mixing Google Earth and Media Hall Davidson Director, Discovery Educator Network Jerome Burg

24 DEN, 2008 24 Part II

25 DEN, 2008 25 Google Earth Hidden Features Flight Simulator Macs Apple + Option + A WindowsControl + Alt + A After the first trip, it appears in tools

26 DEN, 2008 26 80% Network Preferences: Touring Other 20% You can control the flying speed You can control or eliminate pauses You can repeat the tours (for Open House) or reinforcement You can open information balloons on tours Control Driving Tours here

27 DEN, 2008 27 Preferences: 3D View and others

28 DEN, 2008 28 80% Watch Terrain Other 20%

29 DEN, 2008 29 80% Watch Terrain Other 20%

30 DEN, 2008 30 80% Watch Terrain Other 20%

31 DEN, 2008 31 The Description Box - A Deep Resource

32 DEN, 2008 32 The Description Box - A Deep Resource

33 DEN, 2008 33 The Description Box - A Deep Resource

34 DEN, 2008 34 The Description Box - A Deep Resource

35 DEN, 2008 35 Lots of places to find educational (and fun!) webcams

36 DEN, 2008 36 The Description Box - A Deep Resource

37 DEN, 2008 37 The Description Box - A Deep Resource Download the Example Placemark collectionDownload the Example Placemark collection - Download the sample media filesDownload the sample media files Embedding Windows Media Compliant Files (.mp3,.wmv,.asf,.mpg,.avi) - Movies and Audio On the next slide is the basic code you will need to put in your placemark description windows (Create a placemark, or get 'Properties'' of an existing placemark). There are only a few things you need to change to get it to work, but you can fiddle with some of the functions too if you wish. The red text items are the only things you need to change while the lavendar ones are optional.! If you have multimedia in a non Windows Media recognized format, like Quicktime or RealPlayer, the conversion utility 'Super' is a free, very powerful tool. Lavendar text are optional settings you can change if you wish by making them either 'true' or 'false'Super

38 DEN, 2008 38 The Description Box - A Deep Resource Download the Example Placemark collectionDownload the Example Placemark collection - Download the sample media filesDownload the sample media files <OBJECT ID="MediaPlayer1" width=637 height=421 classid="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB- 0080C74C7E95" codebase=" r/en/,0,02,902" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject"> <EMBED type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage = "" SRC=" file:///c:/foldername/filename.mp3" name="MediaPlayer1" width=637 height=421 AutoStart=true> (Note for.mp3 files: change the height to 45 or 50 so only the controller shows) Thank you, Brad Fountain for finding this code (Windows only, for now)

39 DEN, 2008 39 Insert Video: An easy way using You Tube. Upload a video onto You Tube. You Tube will give you code when your upload is complete. Paste that code into your description box. You will have video that plays on Google Earth. This is for Windows only, at the moment.

40 DEN, 2008 40 80% Network Adding Placemarks to Play Video or Audio from URL links Other 20%

41 DEN, 2008 41 80% Network Adding Placemarks that play video from URL links - Free sites Other 20% Clicking on the link will launch a browser that will play the video 80% Adding Sounds or Video from free sites 1.Find media online 2.Click to Stream. 3.As it streams Right Click, then click properties, and copy location. 4.Paste in Google Earth Placemark Description box. 1 2 3 4 28786_256k.asf

42 DEN, 2008 42 80% Network Other 20% Adding Video from (unitedstreaming) a.Right Click on green play icon b.In the box that opens, select Copy Shortcut. c.Paste in the Google Earth Placemark Description box. Adding Placemarks that play video from URL links - Discovery Education streaming Clicking on the link will launch a browser that will play the video

43 DEN, 2008 43 80% Adding Placemarks to play audio Adding Sounds, Stories, or Streaming Podcasts 1.Find media, stories, sounds, etc., online 2.Click to Stream. 3.As it streams Right Click screen, then click properties, and copy location. Or, if the URL is available, copy the location from the browser. 1 2 3

44 DEN, 2008 44 80% Adding Placemarks to play audio Adding Sounds, Stories, or Streaming Podcasts 4.Copy location from Properties window or from the web address line in the browser (e.g., Explorer) 5.Paste in Google Earth Placemark Description box. 3

45 DEN, 2008 45 80% Adding Placemarks to play audio 3 Audios will launch in browser windows You can conceal information in the URL by going to and getting a “coded” link to the same site.

46 DEN, 2008 46  Click on “HallOz.kmz GoogleEarth will launch.  If not, open it from GoogleEarth The floating head will appear.  Click on HallOz in Temporary Places  Choose Save Place As  Save as KML, not as KMZ. You usually have to change this Deeper into Image Overlays (Screen Overlays)

47 DEN, 2008 47 Deeper into Image Overlays (Screen Overlays)

48 DEN, 2008 48 Deeper into Image Overlays (Screen Overlays)

49 Google Confidential and Proprietary49 Finally, Staggeringly Good Things Mixing Google Earth and Media Hall Davidson Director, Discovery Educator Network Jerome Burg Thank you!

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