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Darwin and evolution. Some key points changegenes!!!!!!!!A change in the genes!!!!!!!! Populations evolve, not individuals!Populations evolve, not individuals!

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Presentation on theme: "Darwin and evolution. Some key points changegenes!!!!!!!!A change in the genes!!!!!!!! Populations evolve, not individuals!Populations evolve, not individuals!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Darwin and evolution

2 Some key points changegenes!!!!!!!!A change in the genes!!!!!!!! Populations evolve, not individuals!Populations evolve, not individuals! Happens over long time scalesHappens over long time scales

3 History Biblical scholars worked out the world was 4004 BC created Scientists worked out world is more than 5 billion years old and life been around for 2-3 billion.

4 1800 all started to happen Linnaeus 1707 Lamarck 1744 Darwin 1809 Cuvier 1769 Lyell 1797 Mendel 1822 Wallace 1823

5 Old Theories of Evolution Jean Baptiste LamarckJean Baptiste Lamarck (early 1800’s) proposed: “The inheritance of acquired characteristics” develop characteristicspasses offspringHe proposed that by using or not using its body parts, an individual tends to develop certain characteristics, which it passes on to its offspring.

6 Charles Darwin Influenced by Charles Lyell “Principles of Geology”.Influenced by Charles Lyell who published “Principles of Geology”. DarwinThis publication led Darwin to realize that natural forces gradually change Earth’s surface and that these forces are still operating in modern times.

7 Charles Darwin H.M.S. Beagle (mainly South America and the Galapagos Islands)Darwin set sail on the H.M.S. Beagle (1831-1836) to survey the south seas (mainly South America and the Galapagos Islands) to collect plants and animals. Galapagos Islands,On the Galapagos Islands, Darwin observed species that lived no where else in the world. These observations led Darwin to write a book.

8 Evolution by Natural Selection Populations tend to have large numbers of offspring. Environmental resources are limited; and therefore there is competition. There is naturally-occurring variation among individuals in any population. Individuals with the best adaptations will survive and reproduce the most.

9 Evolution by Natural Selection These four basic facts explain how “successful” alleles get passed down more often than “unsuccessful” alleles, hence causing a change in the gene pool of a population (evolution).

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