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Social, Economic, and Ecological Impacts of Sustainable Agriculture Mollykate Fanning and Mandy Waryasz Running Start Environmental Science Goffstown High.

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Presentation on theme: "Social, Economic, and Ecological Impacts of Sustainable Agriculture Mollykate Fanning and Mandy Waryasz Running Start Environmental Science Goffstown High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social, Economic, and Ecological Impacts of Sustainable Agriculture Mollykate Fanning and Mandy Waryasz Running Start Environmental Science Goffstown High School Dr. Houghton November 12, 2012

2 Discuss the social, economical, and ecological impacts of sustainable agriculture Objectives

3 Introduction Sustainable Agriculture Social Impact 1 Economic Impact 1 Ecological Impact 1

4 Methods Used Google to research and internet data bases to research information

5 Results 1) Social Impacts 2) Economic impacts 3) Ecological impacts

6 Social Impacts Decrease starvation 2 Reduction in competition 2 Better working conditions 3

7 Economic Impacts Constant food supply 4 More affordable 4 More abundance 4

8 Management practices (Fig. 1) 5 Carbon Sequestration (Fig. 2) 4 Ecological Impacts: Figure 1. Free range farming (Management Practices).

9 Carbon Sequestration Figure 2. Carbon Sequestration

10 Conclusion Sustainable Long-Term (Fig. 3) 6 Beneficial Improved Working Conditions Decreased Starvation Constant Reliable Supply Figure 3. Sustainable long-term farming technique

11 Management Implications University of New Hampshire Effects- Long term

12 Works Cited, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2012.. 2.Media Relations. "New Sustainable Agriculture Program Shapes Future Of Food." University of New Hampshire. N.p., 9 Feb. 2011. Web. 2 Jan. 2013. 3.Parker, Caitlyn. "Sustainability Impacts Economics, Agriculture and Society | The Cornell Daily Sun." Sustainability Impacts Economics, Agriculture and Society | The Cornell Daily Sun. N.p., 23 Apr. 2010. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. 4.Stone, Thomas. Sustainable Agriculture Is One of the Keys to the Future of This Planet. Digital image. A Career in Sustainable Agriculture. N.p., 9 Apr. 2012. Web. 14 Dec. 2012. 5.Sustainable Agricultre. Digital image. Joan's Bio Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2012. 6. "What Is Sustainable Agriculture?" — ASI. UCDAVIS, n.d. Web.13 Nov. 2012..

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