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NELMS 2015 Literacy Gone WILD: Engaging Students in Vocabulary & Analysis Jacqueline Somersworth Middle School Somersworth,

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Presentation on theme: "NELMS 2015 Literacy Gone WILD: Engaging Students in Vocabulary & Analysis Jacqueline Somersworth Middle School Somersworth,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NELMS 2015 Literacy Gone WILD: Engaging Students in Vocabulary & Analysis Jacqueline Hanlon @jbhanlon Somersworth Middle School Somersworth, NH

2 Define Literacy: WHAT IS LITERACY? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Discuss with the people in your circle: What is Literacy? Collaborate to synthesize your ideas into one definition. Choose a speaker to stand & share your tables definition with the group. Cards For Education

3 Literacy The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defines literacy as the "ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.UNESCO Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society. That’s a lot to accomplish in 75 minutes!

4 Why Change? If it Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It EVOLUTION With Your Group Read the Directions on Your Envelope Collaborate to Accomplish the Task Everyone in Your Group Needs to Participate You Have 5 Minutes

5 Times They Are A Changing… 30 Years Ago in Education – 1984- Spirit Duplicators or Ditto Machines were in full use, Floppy Disks, VCR, Cassette Tapes, Slide Projectors, MS DOS, Polaroid, Fax Machines, 110 Cameras, Dust Free Chalkboards, Video Companions to Textbooks 1 Computer for Every 92 Students in Public Schools 1984 1 ST Cell Phone Came Out – Wasn’t a problem with students as it cost $4000 and weighed 2 Pounds

6 Times They Are A Changing… 20 Years Ago- 1994- Xerox Machines, Pagers, 1 st Version of Internet Comes out, AOL- Dial Up, CD Players, CD-ROMS, Disposable Cameras, Apple Color Macs, Dry-Erase Boards, CD Companions to Textbooks, Overhead Projectors, 1st Laptops

7 Times They Are A Changing… 10 Years Ago- 2004 - Smart-boards, IPODS, MP3 Players, Commercial Cell Phones & Texting, Pre- Paid Plans, Computers in Homes, Netbooks, Bluetooth, Napster, Online Text Books, Podcasts, E-Readers, Digital Projector Systems, Clickers- Student Response Systems, Document Cameras

8 Times They Are A Changing… 5 Years Ago-2009 to Now IPADs, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Glogster, Prezi, Apple TV, Blogs, Videocasts, Facetime, iMeeting, FlashDrives, SmartPhones What’s The Point: PERSPECTIVE- UNDERSTANDING- GROWTH

9 These Kids are NOT the Same… They Don’t Care About the Same Things… They Don’t Live in the Same World… How Can We Possibly Expect to Teach Them the Same Things in the Same Way? 1984- Space Shuttle Challenger 4 ATARI- Michael Jackson 1994- Sarajevo, Kurt Cobain, & Whitney Houston 2004- MARS, Iraq & Afghanistan, Beyonce

10 2014-2015: What do Today’s Students Need? Challenge Choice Voice MOVEMENT Interaction Collaboration Technology SELF ASSESSMENT: If you look at each of these areas and you were to reflect on your OWN practice, and what happens in your OWN classroom: How would you rate yourself in each of the following areas? (5- I DO THIS ALL THE TIME) (4- I DO THIS MOST OF THE TIME) (3- I DO THIS SOME OF THE TIME) (2- I DO THIS ON OCCASION) (1- I DON’T DO THIS) REFLECTION: What are some ways you could do this? How can you improve your practice in each of these areas?

11 That Doesn’t Look Like This Anymore:

12 Time to Get Wild! Challenge Choice Voice MOVEMENT Interaction Collaboration Technolog y Vocab Wiki’s What happens when the tech doesn’t work?

13 VOCABULARY: Time to Get Wild! Challenge Choice Voice Movement Interaction Collaboration Technology


15 ANALYSIS: Time to Get Wild! Challenge Choice Voice Movement Interaction Collaboration Technology


17 Conversations About Text Similar to the game Cards Against Humanity, students collaborate, and engage in collaborative discussion around literature, text content, current events, or non-fiction. Each group member receives 2-3 white cards (replenish as needed). Then one person is chosen as discussion leader. The discussion leader turns over a BLACK card and reads it aloud to the group. The other group members then write their best answer on one of their WHITE cards, and put them face down in the center of the table. The WHITE cards are then shuffled and the discussion leader reads the BLACK card again followed by the WHITE cards, then chooses the one he/she feels is best. The group member whose answer is chosen gets that BLACK card, and the role of discussion leader rotates to the next person. At the end of the activity the person with the most BLACK card- WINS!

18 WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE IN MY CLASS ? Challenge Choice Voice Movement Interaction Collaboration Technology

19 AMLE 2014: Presentation

20 Questions, Evaluations, & Handouts Follow Me on TWITTER: @jbhanlon Join Me & A Great Group of Educators to Chat Weekly About Ways to Improve Our Practice: #mschat Every Thursday at 8pm #nhedEvery Sunday at 7pm

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