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Esercizio n o 2 Si realizzino i seguenti montaggi basati sull’amplificatore operazione 741 e se ne descriva il funzionamento: –amplificatore –amplificatore.

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Presentation on theme: "Esercizio n o 2 Si realizzino i seguenti montaggi basati sull’amplificatore operazione 741 e se ne descriva il funzionamento: –amplificatore –amplificatore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Esercizio n o 2 Si realizzino i seguenti montaggi basati sull’amplificatore operazione 741 e se ne descriva il funzionamento: –amplificatore –amplificatore invertente –integratore o derivatore Si caratterizzino in modo quantitativo gli ampificatori al variare della frequenza del segnale in ingresso Si verifichi la banda passante di uno dei due amplificatori al variare del guadagno

2 Winter 2012 UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 2 Inverting amplifier example Applying the rules:  terminal at “virtual ground”Applying the rules:  terminal at “virtual ground” –so current through R 1 is I f = V in /R 1 Current does not flow into op-amp (one of our rules)Current does not flow into op-amp (one of our rules) –so the current through R 1 must go through R 2 –voltage drop across R 2 is then I f R 2 = V in  (R 2 /R 1 ) So V out = 0  V in  (R 2 /R 1 ) =  V in  (R 2 /R 1 )So V out = 0  V in  (R 2 /R 1 ) =  V in  (R 2 /R 1 ) Thus we amplify V in by factor  R 2 /R 1Thus we amplify V in by factor  R 2 /R 1 –negative sign earns title “inverting” amplifier Current is drawn into op-amp output terminalCurrent is drawn into op-amp output terminal  + V in V out R1R1 R2R2

3 Winter 2012 UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 3 Non-inverting Amplifier Now neg. terminal held at V inNow neg. terminal held at V in –so current through R 1 is I f = V in /R 1 (to left, into ground) This current cannot come from op-amp inputThis current cannot come from op-amp input –so comes through R 2 (delivered from op-amp output) –voltage drop across R 2 is I f R 2 = V in  (R 2 /R 1 ) –so that output is higher than neg. input terminal by V in  (R 2 /R 1 ) –V out = V in + V in  (R 2 /R 1 ) = V in  (1 + R 2 /R 1 ) –thus gain is (1 + R 2 /R 1 ), and is positive Current is sourced from op-amp output in this exampleCurrent is sourced from op-amp output in this example  + V in V out R1R1 R2R2

4 Ref:080114HKNOperational Amplifier4 Noninverting amplifier Noninverting input with voltage divider Voltage follower Less than unity gain

5 Winter 2012 UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 5 Summing Amplifier Much like the inverting amplifier, but with two input voltagesMuch like the inverting amplifier, but with two input voltages –inverting input still held at virtual ground –I 1 and I 2 are added together to run through R f –so we get the (inverted) sum: V out =  R f  (V 1 /R 1 + V 2 /R 2 ) if R 2 = R 1, we get a sum proportional to (V 1 + V 2 ) Can have any number of summing inputsCan have any number of summing inputs –we’ll make our D/A converter this way  + V1V1 V out R1R1 RfRf V2V2 R2R2

6 Winter 2012 UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 6 Differencing Amplifier The non-inverting input is a simple voltage divider:The non-inverting input is a simple voltage divider: –V node = V + R 2 /(R 1 + R 2 ) So I f = (V   V node )/R 1So I f = (V   V node )/R 1 –V out = V node  I f R 2 = V + (1 + R 2 /R 1 )(R 2 /(R 1 + R 2 ))  V  (R 2 /R 1 ) –so V out = (R 2 /R 1 )(V   V  )  + VV V out R1R1 R2R2 V+V+ R1R1 R2R2

7 7 Differentiator (high-pass) V in V out C R

8 Winter 2012 UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 8 Differentiator (high-pass) For a capacitorFor a capacitor So we have a differentiator, or high-pass filterSo we have a differentiator, or high-pass filter  + V in V out C R

9 Winter 2012 UCSD: Physics 121; 2012 9 Low-pass filter (integrator) I f = V in /R, so C·dV cap /dt = V in /RI f = V in /R, so C·dV cap /dt = V in /R –and since left side of capacitor is at virtual ground: –and therefore we have an integrator (low pass)  + V in V out R C

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