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Rolando Gaytan Clay Schumacher Josh Weisskopf Cory Simon Aaron Steil (Reiman Gardens) – Client Dr. Tien Nguyen - Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Rolando Gaytan Clay Schumacher Josh Weisskopf Cory Simon Aaron Steil (Reiman Gardens) – Client Dr. Tien Nguyen - Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rolando Gaytan Clay Schumacher Josh Weisskopf Cory Simon Aaron Steil (Reiman Gardens) – Client Dr. Tien Nguyen - Advisor

2  Reiman Gardens, the client, needs to keep detailed records of all plants in the botanical gardens.  The current plant database is not user friendly and does not interface well with other software and equipment.

3 BG-Base BG-Map KE EMu

4  System will use a web-based client-server architecture  Emphasis on intuitive user interfaces  Provide access from existing AutoCAD maps  Generate files compatible with label-making software

5 HTTP Server Web Pages Database Queries Responses Web Browser Server Web Browser Registered Client AutoCAD Map Label Makers Public User Registered User Public Client

6  End-user environment ◦ End-users: staff and volunteers ◦ Access through a web browser ◦ Likely at their desk in the offices ◦ May also provide limited access to the general public  Host environment ◦ Web server with PHP 4.3.2+ and MySQL 4+ ◦ Regular backups

7  FR-1The product shall store records.  FR-1.1The product shall have eleven types of records: Accession, Genus, Species, Supplier, Location, Reference, Family, Photo, Propagation, User, and Group.

8  FR-2The product shall allow users to manage records.  FR-2.1The product shall allow users to create records.  FR-2.2 The product shall allow users to edit records.  FR-2.3 The product shall allow users to view records.  FR-2.4 The product shall allow users to search records by any field in the record.

9  FR-3The product shall provide user accounts.  FR-3.1The product shall authenticate users with a username and password.  FR-3.2The product shall have at least two user groups: Administrators and Staff  FR-3.3The product may have a third user group for public users.  FR-3.4The product shall provide an administrative interface for the management of its users.

10  FR-4The product shall allow multiple concurrent users to access the database.  FR-5The product shall export files to be used with the most commonly used label- maker.

11  Input: HTTP Page Requests  Output: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Labelmaker Files





16  CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP ◦ Based on Model-View-Controller architecture pattern ◦ Provides abstraction layers for different databases ◦ Provides components for common tasks (ex: input sanitizing) ◦ Good documentation and active community ◦ Object oriented design

17  Views are visual presentations of model data  Each view has a specific function ◦ Login ◦ Welcome / Home ◦ Administration ◦ Photo Upload ◦ Help Page

18  Views continued ◦ Advanced Search ◦ Export to File ◦ Edit Record ◦ Search Results ◦ View Record ◦ Printable Report ◦ Add New Record


20  Each controller will be associated with a particular model  Controllers will gather data from the models, manipulate the data, and pass it to the views.  Controllers will use components to perform common actions.

21  In CakePHP, components are similar to controllers except they are not associated with a model.  Components ◦ Authentication: Based on obAuth component ◦ Labelmaker File Generation: Based on Excel helper

22  Excel spreadsheet document with the following columns ◦ Accession Number ◦ Genus ◦ Specific Epithet ◦ Cultivar ◦ Common Name ◦ Family Name  Existing CakePHP helper will create Excel file

23 AdministratorStaffPublic Models AccessionRWCDRWCR - accession_numRW - - num_plantsRW - - how_receivedRW - - display_label_presentRW - - notesRW - SpeciesRWCDRWCR - notesRW -

24  Server Hardware Specification ◦ The product will require an HTTP server + 50 GB of database space. ◦ Depending on scalability for the future, the following specifications are recommended:  Under 25 concurrent users:  256mb RAM  1 GHz CPU Pentium 4  25 – 100 concurrent users:  512mb RAM  Dual-core 2.4 GHz Pentium Xeon or equivalent  Over 100 concurrent users:  4 GB RAM  Dual-core 2.4 GHz Pentium Xeon or equivalent  Client Hardware Specification ◦ The end-user will require a computer running Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox 2 ◦ Minimum Requirements: 233 MHz processor or higher, 64mb RAM, Super VGA or higher resolution monitor, internet connection, mouse, and keyboard

25  The product’s model view controller architectural modules will be unit tested.  The product’s model view controller architectural modules will be black box tested. ◦ Model  Each table in the database will have a PHP class representation that will have to be tested.  A basic test includes loading the database with data and ensuring that the model is able to load the data into corresponding variables.  Relationship enforcement needs to be tested. ◦ View  Inputs: Data from the model & instructions from the controller  Outputs: On screen rendering of model, update requests to the model, and user interactions to the controller ◦ Controller  Inputs: User interactions from the view  Outputs: View selection to the view and state changes to the model

26  Completed ◦ Requirements ◦ Detailed design ◦ Project management and source control software  Future Work ◦ Draw up implementation milestones ◦ Code and integrate ◦ Release incremental test builds ◦ Perform final tests

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