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©2012 Philip Hoekstra, PhD. Ductal Carcinoma: 80% of breast cancers Lobular Carcinoma: 10-16% of breast cancers.

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Presentation on theme: "©2012 Philip Hoekstra, PhD. Ductal Carcinoma: 80% of breast cancers Lobular Carcinoma: 10-16% of breast cancers."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2012 Philip Hoekstra, PhD

2 Ductal Carcinoma: 80% of breast cancers Lobular Carcinoma: 10-16% of breast cancers

3 Ductal and lobular tissues have a rapid turn-over and are highly vulnerable to the effects of mutations. The sources of carcinogenic mutations are multi-factorial. A. Environmental Mutations. 1.Radiation 2.Chemicals B. Inherited genetic defects in anti-cancer mechanisms. A.BRAC-1/2 C. Nutritional deficiencies that makes cells vulnerable to mutations. ©2012 Philip Hoekstra, PhD


5  A woman’s chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer is:  from age 30 through age 391 in 233  from age 40 through age 49 1 in 69 (the most common cause of death for women aged 35-50)  from age 50 through age 59 1 in 38  from age 60 through age 69 1 in 27  Lifetime risk1 in 8 – NIH SEER Statistical Review 1975-2003.

6  Age of WomenAverage tumor doubling time  Under age 50 years 80 days  Age 50-70 years 157 days  Over age 70 years 188 days  Source: Cancer 1993,71:3547-3551

7 ______

8  96% chance of being alive 5 years after a diagnosis of early breast cancer.  Less than 40% if that diagnosis is made at later stages. Source: breast cancer meta-analysis, Lancet 1991

9 ImagingFine Needle Biopsy ©2012 Philip Hoekstra, PhD

10  Physical Examination ◦ Self ◦ Clinical  Mammography ◦ Film ◦ Digital  Thermal Imaging ◦ Thermography ◦ Thermology  Ultrasound  Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) ◦ Static ◦ Dynamic or 4 Dimensional ©2012 Philip Hoekstra, PhD

11 Earlier Detection No vessels Angiogenesis begins 4 cm Thermology Mammography Clinical Exam Self-Exam ©2012 Philip Hoekstra, PhD

12 Quantitative and objective with high sensitivity and specificity but poor localization. ©2012 Philip Hoekstra, PhD

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