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LMCK 1331 KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF Robot Soccer Club By : Muammar Hanif Hasibuan A147186.

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Presentation on theme: "LMCK 1331 KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF Robot Soccer Club By : Muammar Hanif Hasibuan A147186."— Presentation transcript:

1 LMCK 1331 KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF Robot Soccer Club By : Muammar Hanif Hasibuan A147186

2 INTRODUCTION A prensentation based on Robot soccer match that we have chosed from YouTube. From that video we have to discuss about what kind of scenarios happen in the game itself. What kind of strategies we used by both teams in order for them to win the match.what kind of rules were applied in the game and the penalty that were given in the game based of the action of the robots in the match.

3 PURPOSE To state all the scenarios, present the strategies that were used and rules that were applied.

4 RULES INTERRUPTION : Whenever the referee blows the whistle, human operator will stop the communication between robots and host computer. RELOCATIONS : Timeouts, halftime and foul, all Androids must be relocated within 10 seconds after whistling. Robot falls down and unable to stand up on its own for more than 12 or 15 seconds, referee instructs team handler to remove the robot and repair. Repaired or substituted robot can re-enter the match by being placed at the center line facing outwards.

5 FREE KICK :  A defender robot intentionally pushes an opponent robot who possesses the ball or when it affects the game, a free kick will be given to the opposite team.  Any robot other than the goalkeeper catches the ball.

6 FREE BALL :  The referee will call a free-ball when  A robot is colliding with other of the opposite team, either intentionally or otherwise, referee will call such fouls that directly affect the play of the game.  The ball will be placed at the relevant free ball position. One Android per team will be placed at locations 25cm apart.

7 SCENARIO  Here we see one of white robot falls and can not get up because the patch on his head apart, so the team member take the robot out and fix the patch before they put the robot back in again (00:39)  There is a free ball situation, the black robot take the ball and then shoot the ball (01:12)  Here we see again one of white robot falls and can not get up because the patch on his head apart (01:30)  Here we see one of white robot falls and can not get up for 15 seconds because there is a problem, so the team member take the robot out and fix it (01:42)  There is a kick off situation, which indicates the game is start again (02:00)Here we see the white robot and black robot with each other trying to get the ball, but the black robot get the ball and then he kicked it into the opponent's goal (02:58)

8 STRATEGY  From the minute of (00:30), we can see that the white robot team strategy of defending the goal eventhough the ball passed trough it. The strategy was to make the robot fall to the ground extend the arms and legs to increase the defense so the opponent won’t score.  Next we can see from the black robot team at time (01:04) we can see that the action of kicking sideways to score was part of their strategy.The black ream also have their robot rotation movement smoothen out to increase the robot mobility.  There are aslo strategy of the white team at (02:01) at the kickoff. Their strtegy was to kick the ball sideways to the field barrier in order to score at start game. Though it fail, the strategy can be considered useful at certain times.  The strrategies of both team can be seen many throughout the game but the time was stated as I only mentioned to proves once only.


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