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Gaining experience as an ‘aspiring psychologist’ Cassie Addai 11 th November 2015.

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1 Gaining experience as an ‘aspiring psychologist’ Cassie Addai 11 th November 2015

2 Overview 1.How I gained experience during my degree 2.What I’ve been up to since graduating 3.Information about ESPAG (East of Scotland Psychology Assistants Group) 4.Questions

3 Gaining experience Before my degree Young Leader Girlguiding UK – once a week for 4 years Volunteer in day centre for adults with cerebral palsy - once a week for 2 years

4 Gaining experience First year Children’s Holiday Venture- once a week Lothian Autistic Society – Easter holidays Toby Henderson Trust- Summer holidays Kickstart Summer School – one week in summer

5 Gaining experience Second year Kickstart Summer School The Action Group – Easter and summer holidays Third year Kickstart Summer School Voluntary Research Assistant – term time The Action Group – weekends and holidays

6 Gaining experience Fourth year Voluntary Research Assistant – term time The Action Group – weekends and holidays President of Psychology Society PsychPALS

7 Tips 1.Do your research 2.Network 3.Reflect on your journey 4.Be patient 5.Practice self-care

8 Since Graduating Action on Depression - CBT Self Help Volunteer  April 2013-March 2014  Guiding adults with mild-moderate depression and anxiety through online computerised CBT and self- help materials  Weekly phonecalls to a caseload of six clients  Talking them through their materials and any issues  Using screening tools PHQ9 and GAD7

9 Since Graduating Action Group – Sessional Support Worker  May 2013-Sept 2013  Working with children and young people with additional needs  Offering support with activities and personal care Health in Mind – Sessional Support Worker  May 2013-Sept 2013  Practical and emotional support for adults with severe and enduring mental health problems

10 Since Graduating Health in Mind – Guided Self Help worker  Sept 2013-Sept 2014  Delivering low-intensity CBT-based support to adults with mild-moderate depression and anxiety  CBT principles  Based at local health centres  Liaising with GPs and signposting to other agencies  Regular individual and peer supervision  Outcome measures  Related administration

11 At present… NHS Lothian – Assistant Psychologist  October 2014 - present  Co-facilitating pain management groups  Individual assessments and progress reviews  Mindfulness, relaxation, CBT, ACT, stress management, pacing  MDT team working  Regular supervision  Training  Research

12 ESPAG East of Scotland Psychology Assistants Group Informal group for aspiring psychologists which meets one evening a month at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morningside. The topic of each meeting varies but there is a usually speaker. This may be someone with a career in Psychology who shares their experiences or offers some helpful suggestions on how to gain more experience.

13 ESPAG The group is also a great way to meet others with similar interests and goals. Next meeting: Tuesday 17 th November, 6.30-7.30pm Boardroom in Mackinnon House, Royal Edinburgh Hospital Morningside

14 Helpful resources Careers Service University Jobs Site Goodmoves Clinpsy British Psychology Society- The Psychologist, Alternative Handbook Clearing House

15 And remember…

16 Questions?

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