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Forrest Gump. Exceptionality Presented by Daniel, July, Lillian, Linda & Stella August 12, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Forrest Gump. Exceptionality Presented by Daniel, July, Lillian, Linda & Stella August 12, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forrest Gump

2 Exceptionality Presented by Daniel, July, Lillian, Linda & Stella August 12, 2004

3 Mental retardation Visual or hearing impairments Physical and health impairments Emotional disturbance and delinquent behavior Talented

4 What do you feel this kind of disability? Group discussion

5 *Are you willing to enter a normal school, why or why not? *Do you feel comfortable with each other?

6 regroup Normal students: Students with disabilities: Teachers:

7 Highly acceptable Lowest acceptable Visual or hearing impairment Mental retardation Physical impairment Emotion disturbance Vote: controversial

8 Disproportionate placement Black male students Special education class White and Asian Gifted class SES, medical and genetic causes

9 Exceptional Microculture

10 *Individuals with Visual or hearing impairments The American Printing House for the Blind The Kentucky School for the Blind The Kentucky Industries for the Blind

11 *Individuals with Physical and Health Impairments

12 Situation: Peter suffers from cerebral palsy. His parents delayed sending him to school to receive education. Now he is ten and his peers are studying in Grade 4. His father begins thinking of sending him to an elementary school. However, his mother argues that the medical treatment should be preferred and he should postpone schooling until the disease is cured. Question: Which side of the parents do you stand on? Should the child receive education or continue the medical treatment? Or can you suggest a better way to help Peter?

13 Inclusion: *Claims as its imperative the individualization of the education system for all students, and attempts to develop a far more holistic approach to education in general. *To ensure that students with special learning needs have the opportunity to receive all or part of their instruction in regular education classes

14 * Individuals with Emotional Disturbance and with Delinquent Behaviors

15 *Individuals With Mental Retardation

16 Intellectual Disability Less Skills Restricted lifestyle Dependence on others Exclusion activities Lack of choice Lack of Control Boredom

17 Multi-sense Learning

18 You eyes with undivided attention heart gateway ears 聽

19 The goal of “SMART” S M A R T pecific easurable chievable elevant ime bound

20 Basic Needs *Communication needs *Acceptance need *Freedom to grow

21 * Variety of teaching methods * Student progress at own pace * Specific information * Repeat information * Adequate time * Small steps * Encouragement * Simple language What works

22 * Teacher enthusiasm * Base skills * Goals simple yet meaningful * Peer tutoring * Adapt & Change









31 Thank you!

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