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The company department charged with finding, screening, recruiting and training job applicants, as well as administering employee-benefit programs. The.

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2 The company department charged with finding, screening, recruiting and training job applicants, as well as administering employee-benefit programs. The company department charged with finding, screening, recruiting and training job applicants, as well as administering employee-benefit programs. The personnel of a business or organization, regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities. The personnel of a business or organization, regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities. The department of a business or organization that deals with the hiring, administration, and training of staff. The department of a business or organization that deals with the hiring, administration, and training of staff. DEFINITION OF HUMAN RESOURCE

3 RECRUITMENT: Process of attracting individuals in sufficient numbers with the right skills and at appropriate times to apply for open positions within the organization. Process of attracting individuals in sufficient numbers with the right skills and at appropriate times to apply for open positions within the organization.TRAINING: Teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and organization. Teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and organization. Training is the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a particular job Training is the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a particular job DEFINITION OF RECRUITMENT & TRAINING

4 1)The need to make a speedy hire. Competition is heating up once more for great talent. Many companies are growing so fast and need to fill multiple positions at the same time that recruiters no longer have a lot of time to recruit workers. SOLUTION: HR should examine their recruitment tools which is software and employee management strategies. Speaks with managers about the specific requirements of a certain position and ensuring all of the needed information is already documented and easily accessible. This can cut down the recruitment time. HR CHALLENGES & SOLUTION

5 2)NOT HAVING ENOUGH RESOURCES. Many HR professionals have to make do with the resources they have, and sometimes there isn't much to work with. This can present big problems with finding qualified candidates. Many HR professionals have to make do with the resources they have, and sometimes there isn't much to work with. This can present big problems with finding qualified candidates.SOLUTION: HR can use platforms like social media, for example Facebook or company website to send out information about open positions to others about job vacancy.

6 3)BEING UNABLE TO FIND THE PERFECT CANDIDATE FOR A CERTAIN POSITION. HR often see themselves stuck when they aren't receiving resumes from candidates with strong backgrounds or skill sets needed for the position. SOLUTION: HR need to get out of the mindset of hiring for a position rather than assembling superstar talent. While recruiters may have to fill a certain position, they should also be open to training and educating talented workers so they can acquire needed skills. HR can also adjust the position's job description because job description's may not correctly explain the position and its needs. Some of the qualifications may not be realistic for the position's true requirements.

7 4)UNDERSTANDING AND USING ANALYTICS EFFECTIVELY. Analytics remains a large challenge for many HR professionals. Being able to sort through and harness data acquired through human resource information systems and other types of technology can be difficult for HR and can be tricky. SOLUTION: HR should work with data analytics experts to understand what various data points mean and how the department can harness them. Recruiters can then create cheat-sheets to help them understand how certain types of information can be used in the future.

8 5)FINDING WORKERS WHO FIT THE COMPANY CULTURE. New hires need to be able to integrate into a team and work well in the company environment. This was an issue because HR may had to let great candidates go because they didn't get well with the team and company culture. SOLUTION: HR should ensure they describe the company culture as best as they can in job descriptions. Displaying the company's mission and aspects of its environment can help job seekers understand the organization better and can ensure only candidates who may fit well will apply.

9 LANGUAGE PROBLEM - Language comprises of both spoken and unspoken means of communication. The best of the training programs will fail if trainer is not well versed in communicating trainees’ language. -To overcome, it may be helpful to hire several employees from the new area that speak both the local language and the language that the organization’s are in. These employees can be valuable when translating and restructuring the materials, training a new workforce for the area, and taking customer calls. TRAINING CHALLENGES

10 SCHEDULE - Scheduling training can be one of the most difficult challenges the human resource department can face. Many managers are reluctant to let employees take much time away from their duties for training. -In order to overcome time, organizations can looking to both online and classroom training. E-learning has the benefit of being flexible from a time perspective and in-classroom training, the employee has the benefit of being able to draw a lot from experienced trainers.

11 RAPID CHANGES - Rapid changes in technology or programs can make it difficult to adequately prepare training materials and deliver training before employees need information and new skills. -In the case of technology, organizations that ensure their employees adopt a new software solution can have highest return of investment. -For example, empowering all future users in the company with the skills needed to utilize the systems. It will not only ensure a smooth transition but will also see employees getting the full value out of the solution.


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