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“LAW OF LIFE” Jack London. AFTER PUDD’NHEAD WILSON QUIZ Read Jack London Bio on page 768. Write down five facts you learn about him on your notes!

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Presentation on theme: "“LAW OF LIFE” Jack London. AFTER PUDD’NHEAD WILSON QUIZ Read Jack London Bio on page 768. Write down five facts you learn about him on your notes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 “LAW OF LIFE” Jack London

2 AFTER PUDD’NHEAD WILSON QUIZ Read Jack London Bio on page 768. Write down five facts you learn about him on your notes!

3 VIDEO: How do we as humans feel about nature? How does this reporter feel?

4 The Law of Life JACK LONDON

5 Called to adventure – poor, laborer in many industries (hmm… how would that shape his attitude?) At 16 – oyster pirate! ARG! Seal hunting at 17. Alaska! Arrested for being homeless! True rags to riches story.

6 LITERARY DEVICES REVIEW Foreshadowing: hints or clues… Point of view  1 st person  3 rd Person  Limited or omniscient?  Rarely ever see 2 nd THEME: not 1 or 2 words – it’s a MESSAGE, lesson. Try to avoid clichés. VOICE/SPEAKER: The person who is likely talking. It’s NOT usually the author.

7 AFTER READING… What is the task of every living thing in nature? Find evidence (specific lines) that show elements of Naturalism. Who is the speaker in this story? What perspective is it told from? What event did Koskoosh witness as a teen that affected him (and becomes ironic later)? What do you think of the conclusion of the story?

8 CLOSURE: MODERN NATURALISM Hunger Games Into the Wild Man V Wild Man versus Nature 1. How does this clip represent naturalism? 2. Are people a product of their environment?

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