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CPS110: Threads review and wrap up Landon Cox February 11, 2009.

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1 CPS110: Threads review and wrap up Landon Cox February 11, 2009

2 Virtual/physical interfaces Hardware OS Applications

3 Classic synchronization problem Customer room capacity = 9 Sofa capacity = 4 Standing room

4 Barbershop Customer () { lock.acquire (); while (numInRoom == 9) roomCV.wait (lock); numInRoom++; while (numOnSofa == 4) sofaCV.wait (lock); numOnSofa++; while (numInChair == 3) chairCV.wait (lock); numInChair++; numOnSofa--; sofaCV.signal (lock); customerCV.signal (lock); cutCV.wait (lock); numInChair--; chairCV.signal (lock); numInRoom--; roomCV.signal (lock); lock.release (); } lock; roomCV; numInRoom=0; sofaCV; numOnSofa=0; chairCV; numInChair=0; customerCV; cutCV; Enter room Sit on sofa Sit in chair Wake up barber Wait for cut to finish Leave the shop

5 Barbershop Customer () { lock.acquire (); while (numInRoom == 9) roomCV.wait (lock); numInRoom++; while (numOnSofa == 4) sofaCV.wait (lock); numOnSofa++; while (numInChair == 3) chairCV.wait (lock); numInChair++; numOnSofa--; sofaCV.signal (lock); customerCV.signal (lock); cutCV.wait (lock); numInChair--; chairCV.signal (lock); numInRoom--; roomCV.signal (lock); lock.release (); } Barber () { lock.acquire (); while (1) { while (numInChair == 0) customerCV.wait (lock); cutHair (); cutCV.signal (); } lock.release (); }

6 Barbershop with semaphores Customer () { room.down () // enter room sofa.down () // sit on sofa chair.down () // sit on chair sofa.up () customer.up () cut.down () // leave chair chair.up () // leave room room.up () } Barber () { while (1) { customer.down() // cut hair cut.up () } } Semaphore room = 9, sofa = 4, chair = 3, customer = 0, cut = 0; Is anything weird here?

7 Course administration  Project 1  Due in 1 weeks  Should be done with disk scheduler  Should be knee-deep in thread library  Extra office hours  Will post/announce tomorrow  Most will be over the weekend  Any questions?

8 Course administration  Looking ahead  Wrapping up synchronization today  Address spaces up next  Mid-term exam  In 12 days (February 23)  Rest of lecture: mini-review of threads

9 Program with two threads 0 high code library data registers CPU R0 Rn PC “memory” x x program common runtime stack address space SP y y stack running thread “on deck” and ready to run

10 Thread context switch 0 high code library data registers CPU R0 Rn PC “memory” x x program common runtime stack address space SP y y stack 1. save registers 2. load registers switch in switch out

11 Portrait of a thread Thread* t machine state name/status, etc. “fencepost” 0xdeadbeef Stack low high stack top unused region thread object or thread control block thread object or thread control block char stack[StackSize] t = new Thread(name); t->Fork(MyFunc, arg); currentThread->Sleep(); currentThread->Yield(); t = new Thread(name); t->Fork(MyFunc, arg); currentThread->Sleep(); currentThread->Yield();

12 /* * Save context of the calling thread (old), restore registers of * the next thread to run (new), and return in context of new. */ switch/MIPS (old, new) { old->stackTop = SP; save RA in old->MachineState[PC]; save callee registers in old->MachineState restore callee registers from new->MachineState RA = new->MachineState[PC]; SP = new->stackTop; return (to RA) }

13 /* * Save context of the calling thread (old), restore registers of * the next thread to run (new), and return in context of new. */ switch/MIPS (old, new) { old->stackTop = SP; save RA in old->MachineState[PC]; save callee registers in old->MachineState restore callee registers from new->MachineState RA = new->MachineState[PC]; SP = new->stackTop; return (to RA) } /* * Save context of the calling thread (old), restore registers of * the next thread to run (new), and return in context of new. */ switch/MIPS (old, new) { old->stackTop = SP; save RA in old->MachineState[PC]; save callee registers in old->MachineState restore callee registers from new->MachineState RA = new->MachineState[PC]; SP = new->stackTop; return (to RA) } Ex: SwitchContext on MIPS Caller-saved registers (if needed) are already saved on the thread’s stack. Caller-saved regs restored automatically on return. Return to procedure that called switch in new thread. Save current stack pointer and caller’s return address in old thread object. Switch off of old stack and back to new stack.

14 Thread States and Transitions running readyblocked Scheduler::Run “wakeup” Thread::Sleep (voluntary) Thread::Yield (voluntary or involuntary)

15 Threads vs. Processes  A process is an abstraction  “Independent executing program”  Includes at least one “thread of control”  Also has a private address space (VAS)  Requires OS kernel support  To be covered in upcoming lectures data

16 Threads vs. Processes  Threads may share an address space  Have “context” just like vanilla processes  Exist within some process VAS  Processes may be “multithreaded”  Key difference  thread context switch vs. process context switch  Project 2: manage process context switches data

17 Play analogy Threads Address space What is a process? Threads Address space Another performance!

18 Locks  Ensure mutual exclusion in critical sections.  A lock is an object, a data item in memory.  Threads pair calls to Acquire and Release.  Acquire before entering a critical section.  Release after leaving a critical section.  Between Acquire/Release, the lock is held.  Acquire doesn’t return until previous holder releases.  Waiting locks can spin (a spinlock) or block (a mutex). A A R R

19 Portrait of a Lock in Motion A A R R Who can explain this figure?

20 12 Y X A1A2R2R1 A2 A1 R1 R2 Dining philosophers ??? Who can explain this figure?

21 Kernel-supported threads  Most OS kernels have kernel-supported threads.  Thread model and scheduling defined by OS  NT, advanced Unix, etc.  Linux: threads are “lightweight processes” data New kernel system calls, e.g.: thread_fork thread_exit thread_block thread_alert etc... Threads can block independently in kernel system calls. Kernel scheduler (not a library) decides which thread to run next. Threads must enter the kernel to block: no blocking in user space

22 User-level threads  Can also implement user-level threads in a library.  No special support needed from the kernel (use any Unix)  Thread creation and context switch are fast (no syscall)  Defines its own thread model and scheduling policies  Kernel only sees a single process  Project 1t readyList data while(1) { t = get next ready thread; scheduler->Run(t); }

23 Kernel threads Thread User mode Scheduler … PC SP Thread … PC SP Thread … PC SP Thread … PC SP Kernel mode What is “kernel mode?” Mode the OS executes in Heightened privileges Will cover later

24 User threads Thread User mode Scheduler … PC SP Thread … PC SP Thread … PC SP Sched … PC SP Kernel mode

25 Kernel vs user tradeoffs  Which do you expect to perform better?  User-threads should perform better  Synchronization functions are just a function call  Attractive in low-contention scenarios  Don’t want to kernel trap on every lock acquire  What is the danger of user-level threads?  If a user thread blocks, entire process blocks  May be hard to take advantage of multiple CPUs

26 Possible solution  Asynchronous process-kernel interactions  Process never blocks in kernel  Library sleeps thread before entering kernel  If IO, etc ready, library handles interrupt  Restarts thread with correct syscall results  Still not ideal for multi-core  Idea: want to create kernel thread for each core  Let user library manage multiple kernel threads

27 Performance Comparison  Comparing user-level threads, kernel threads, and processes. OperationFastThreads Topaz Threads Ultrix Processes Null fork3494811300 Signal-wait374411840 Procedure call takes 7 microseconds. Kernel trap takes 19 microseconds. Maybe kernel trap is not so significant.

28 What’s next  We now understand threads  Each has it a private stack, registers, TCB  Next, we’ll try to understand processes  Address spaces differentiate processes  Address spaces are tied to memory, not CPU  Can think of as a private namespace

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