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CMA-3 Support to Standardisation 7 th CMA Plenary Meeting Palais Beaumont, Pau, France, 14 th May 08 Ulrich Borchers, Peter Lepom, Bernd Gawlik.

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Presentation on theme: "CMA-3 Support to Standardisation 7 th CMA Plenary Meeting Palais Beaumont, Pau, France, 14 th May 08 Ulrich Borchers, Peter Lepom, Bernd Gawlik."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMA-3 Support to Standardisation 7 th CMA Plenary Meeting Palais Beaumont, Pau, France, 14 th May 08 Ulrich Borchers, Peter Lepom, Bernd Gawlik

2 2 Agenda Introduction State of the Play of the Mandate to CEN TC 230  State of agreement at COM level  Proposed projects  Adoption at CEN level Further steps (Roadmap 2008-2011)

3 3 CMA 2007 – 2009 – Tasks and Deliverables CMA-1 Exchange of best practices STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP PLENARY CMA (GW, SW/MW) CMA-2 QA_QC CMA-3 Standardisation (CEN TC/230) Sharing best practices Identification of gaps and needs Analytical methods, sampling Practical exercises Sediment and biota Follow-up of COM decision Discussion of common strategy (EAQC-WISE) Identification of standards Follow-up of CEN work Links with RTD WG C or WG E (joint meetings) WG E

4 4 CMA-3 Core Activities Identification and evaluation of standardisation needs and appropriate actions related to them  Discussion on standardisation needs related to WFD chemical monitoring  Establishment of lists of  Existing standards fit for purpose  Standards that need to be revised  Standards that need to be developed  Proposal of a) Existing standards for adoption b) Development of new standards mandated to CEN

5 5 Agenda Introduction State of the Play of the Mandate to CEN TC 230  State of agreement at COM level  Proposed projects  Adoption at CEN level Further steps (Roadmap 2008-2011)

6 6 Edition of the Mandate to CEN The mandate was edited on 7th April 2008 under the number M/424  Development or improvement of standards in support of the WFD

7 7 Proposed projects for the mandate 5 chemical parameters/groups  1) Organochlorine pesticides:  (incl. alachlor, endosulfan, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, pentachlorobenzene, DDT and metabolites, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, and isodrin)  Matrix: whole water samples  Samples containing up to 0.5 g/L of suspended solids.  Technique: GC-MS  Type of work: Co-normative research

8 8 Proposed projects for the mandate 5 chemical parameters/groups  2) Pentabromodiphenylethers:  procedure for the analysis of congeners representative for the technical pentabromodiphenylether formulation (incl. BDE28, BDE47, BDE99, BDE100, BDE153, and BDE154)  Matrix: whole water samples  Samples containing up to 0.5 g/L of suspended solids.  Technique: GC-MS or GC-ECNI-MS  Type of work: Pre-normative research

9 9 Proposed projects for the mandate 5 chemical parameters/groups  3) Tributyltin compounds  Matrix: whole water samples  Samples containing up to 0.5 g/L of suspended solids.  Technique: GC-MS or GC-AED  Type of work: Pre-normative research

10 10 Proposed projects for the mandate 5 chemical parameters/groups  4) Chloroalkanes  The various options for the analysis of SCCPs including  several clean-up and  detection techniques as well as  calibration protocols should be thoroughly compared and evaluated.  A proposal should be made on how to proceed to come to a standardised method for the analysis of SCCPs in whole water samples  The option to develop an operationally defined parameter as a surrogate for SCCP should be considered.  Matrix: whole water samples  Samples containing up to 0.5 g/L of suspended solids.  Technique: to be defined  Type of work: Co-normative research

11 11 Proposed projects for the mandate 5 chemical parameters/groups  5) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons:  analysis of PAHs (incl. anthracene, fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(b)fluoran-thene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene  The ISO/CD 28540 might be an advantage point for further method development  Matrix: whole water samples  samples containing up to 0.5 g/L of suspended solids.  Technique: GC-MS  Type of work: Pre-normative research

12 12 Proposed projects for the mandate 3 biological methods  1) Phytoplankton sampling (lake and marine)  2) Guidance on the estimation of algal biovolume (lake)  3) Fish sampling

13 13 Adoption of the Mandate at CEN level After reception of the official letter from DG ENTR CEN CS has prepared the necessary enquiry on the adoption of the mandate to all CEN members  In the respective questionnaire it was proposed to adopt the mandate as set out in the M424 document  In addition it is proposed that the work should start when the financial requirements are settled  For meeting the time schedule and for ensuring the necessary resources The deadline for this enquiry is 2008-06-06 In addition a formal resolution will be taken at the next CEN TC 230 meeting in Hof (Bavaria) at 2008-05-29  this will underline that the mandate is highly welcomed and it will endorse the formal adoption by CEN members

14 14 Agenda Introduction State of the Play of the Mandate to CEN TC 230  State of agreement at COM level  Proposed projects  Adoption at CEN level Further steps (Roadmap 2008-2011)

15 15 Further steps (1) Meeting of CEN TC 230 / WG 1 in Hof (Bavaria) on 2008-05-28:  Resolution on the formal and complete re-installation of the working group  Election of a new Chairman for the WG 1  Technical discussion on the 5 chemical methods/projects (approaches, problems, main tasks ….  Technical discussion on the possible structure of the work and on contributors  Advice will be sought from DIN (secretariat of CEN TC 230) on the management of the projects

16 16 Agenda of the meeting of CEN TC 230 / WG 1 5) The Chemical Monitoring Activity under the CIS of the WFD (Mandate 2007 – 2009)  5.1) Report on the CMA-3 “Standardisation Needs” activity plan and on the outcome of recent meetings 6) The new EU QA/QC Directive on technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status - What are the consequences for the application of CEN standards? 7) Mandate M424 addressed to CEN for the development or improvement of standards in support of the WFD (edited on 2008-04-07)  7.1) State of the play of the mandate – General discussion  7.2) The five chemical projects of the mandate – Technical discussion considering the COM requirements on the methods  Organochlorine pesticides  ISO TC 147 SC2/ WG 53)  Pentabromodiphenylethers  Tributyltin compounds  Chloroalkanes  ISO TC 147 SC2/ AHG chloroalkanes)  PAH  ISO TC 147 SC2/ WG 19 PAH  7.3 Co-operation with existing ISO/TC 147 WGs  7.4 Next steps and actions needed

17 17 Further steps (3) Discussion with JRC (IES and IRMM) on the further steps Clarification of funding possibilities with DG ENTR!?   Date?   Who? Clarification of relevant funding guidelines (Terms and Conditions) with DG ENTR Elaboration of a Technical Document with the detailed description of work (DOW) and on the administration of the work  Borchers, Lepom, Gawlik with contributions from others  Timeframe 3 month (but from which moment the clock starts to click?) Submission of the proposal (technical document)   date? Kick-off of the projects !   date?

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