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Your Future with a Career in Agriculture IAFNR Careers Module Lesson 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Future with a Career in Agriculture IAFNR Careers Module Lesson 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Future with a Career in Agriculture IAFNR Careers Module Lesson 1

2 What are your goals? Have you thought about what your plans are after High School?  You Could:  Pursue a 2-year degree  Pursue a 4-year degree  Get a local job  Work in a foreign country  Be a professor The possibilities are endless! Have you thought about what your plans are after High School?  You Could:  Pursue a 2-year degree  Pursue a 4-year degree  Get a local job  Work in a foreign country  Be a professor The possibilities are endless!

3 What skills does it take to get a job? Let’s discuss as a class…

4 What education does your career require? Typically, careers in Agriculture require a two year Associates or a four year Bachelors Degree. However, all careers have different requirements and skills businesses look for in applicants. Let's look at some of the most popular careers in Agriculture.. Typically, careers in Agriculture require a two year Associates or a four year Bachelors Degree. However, all careers have different requirements and skills businesses look for in applicants. Let's look at some of the most popular careers in Agriculture..

5 Top Ag Majors at Two-year and Four-year Institutions! Two-Year  Applied Horticulture and Business  Agriculture Production Operations  Agricultural Economics/ Business Management  General Agriculture  Agricultural Mechanics and Engineering Four-Year  Animal Sciences  Agricultural Economics/ Business Management  Food, Nutrition & Related Sciences  General Agriculture  Plant Sciences

6 Job Opportunities in Agriculture Almost 21,000 more jobs than people!

7 Jobs By Career Cluster Which are you more likely to get a job in? Natural Resources or Plant Sciences?

8 Agriculture in US Economy and Society Agriculture is a very important part of the Economy and Society, but why??? Let's discuss the reasons why...


10 What’s next for today?  Career Exploration Project  Do Team And Work Values Quizzes online  Check out Agriculture Career lists  Begin preparing your presentation  Presentations will be in class on Friday  Career Exploration Project  Do Team And Work Values Quizzes online  Check out Agriculture Career lists  Begin preparing your presentation  Presentations will be in class on Friday

11 References Faucon, K. 2013 Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Enrollment and Employment Outlook. htm htm MNB. Retrieved from http://media-cache- Ritholtz, B. (2012 Aug 24). Resilience of American Agriculture. Retrieved from agriculture/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Fe ed:+TheBigPicture+(The+Big+Picture) agriculture/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Fe ed:+TheBigPicture+(The+Big+Picture)

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