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Phenomenology, Linguistics, and Popular Literature

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1 Phenomenology, Linguistics, and Popular Literature
Janice A. Radway Phenomenology, Linguistics, and Popular Literature

2 Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Phenomenology of perception “Being-in-the-world” Pre-conscious experience Language Conscious “Language then, for Merleau-Pointy, is not a discrete system cut off from all other non-linguistic knowledge of the world, but rather a medium in which experiential knowledge or pre-conscious experience is given conscious existence by a speaking subject.” Langage Parle: The System Langage Parlant: The temporal individual act Real Speech act

3 Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Linguistic Competence: Using the langage parle to speak meaningfully and find meaning in what others say. Two kinds of speech: Empirical Speech: Obeying the rules of the linguistic system using words as if they have only one absolute meaning. Creative Speech: Breaking the rules of the linguistic system creating new meaning by deformation.

4 The Literary System Literature as a system with varying levels of organisation (plot organisation etc.) Generic Conventions  reader expectations Literary competence: ability to read and understand entirely new texts.

5 The Literary System Use of the Literary System:
Creatively: Breaking the rules new meaning: Elite Literature Changes literary system Empirically: Obey the rules  meet expectations: Popular Literature Referential: reader accepts traditional meaning of texts Literary and Liguistic Anchors: conserving both systems

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