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Nurse Veterinarian EMT 1. 2 Veterinarians should love animals and be able to get along with their owners. Graduate from an accredited college of veterinary.

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1 Nurse Veterinarian EMT 1

2 2

3 Veterinarians should love animals and be able to get along with their owners. Graduate from an accredited college of veterinary medicine and a State license are required; admission to veterinary school is competitive. Job opportunities should be excellent. About 80 percent of veterinarians work in private practice. 3

4 Median annual wages of veterinarians were $79,050 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $61,370 and $104,110. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $46,610, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $143,660. 4

5 Prospective veterinarians must graduate with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M. or V.M.D.) degree from a 4-year program at an accredited college of veterinary medicine. Works with veterinarians or scientists in clinics, agribusiness, research, or some area of health science, is particularly advantageous. Working with animals on a farm, or at a stable or animal shelter, also can be helpful. 5

6 Employment of veterinarians is expected to increase 33 percent over the 2008–18 decade, much faster than the average for all occupations. Excellent job opportunities are expected because there are only 28 accredited schools of veterinary medicine in the United States, resulting in a limited number of graduates— about 2,500—each year. 6

7 By: Trissa McBride

8 Description of Job Duties Treat patients Educate patients and the public about various medical conditions Record patients' medical histories and symptoms Teach patients and their families how to manage their illnesses or injuries

9 Salary/Other benefits Earnings are $43,000 to more than $92,000 Median annual wage in May 2008 was $62, 450 Paid holidays and vacations Flexible work schedules

10 Education/Qualifications needed for the job Bachelor or Associate’s degree in nursing Complete a national licensing examination

11 Employment Outlook Overall job opportunities are expected to be excellent Employment is expected to grow by 22% from 2008-2018 Nursing care is likely to increase Employment is expected to grow more slowly in hospitals

12 Tiffany Kuester

13 Description of Job Duties Responds to Emergency and non- Emergency calls Evaluates Scenes Provides medical care and route to the hospital Operate responses vehicles in a Emergency and non-Emergency traffic modes Tiffany Kuester

14 Salary/Other Benefits EMT Salary – Starting $31,931 – 1yrs $33,740 – 2 yrs $34,341 – 3 yrs $39,764 – 5yrs $45,834 Paramedic – Starting $ 43,490 – 1 yrs $48,127 – 2 yrs $ 50,091 – 3yrs $55,255 – 5yrs $59,074 Tiffany Kuester

15 Education/Qualifications needed A high school diploma is required formal emergency technician training program – EMT Basic - works on emergency skills like respiratory, trauma, cardiac emergencies, and patient assessment – EMT Intermediate - vary by state. Require 30-350 hrs training of scope practice, advance skills use of advance airway devices, intravenous fluids and some medication. – EMT Paramedic – overseas EMT basic and EMT Intermediate Other Qualification: need to be stable and lift heavy load, need a good eye sight and need to get a criminal background check. Tiffany Kuester

16 Employment Outlook EMTs and paramedic is expected to grow about as fast as the average of all occupation through 2018 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has predicted 9% increase jobs for EMT and Paramedic in 2008-2018 Job growth is expanding numbers of elderly persons requiring emergency care Require to spend more time with patients as they transported them. Tiffany Kuester

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