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Hemmingway: The Code Hero. Hemmingway writes about autobiographical subject matter Not entirely factual but based on his life.

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Presentation on theme: "Hemmingway: The Code Hero. Hemmingway writes about autobiographical subject matter Not entirely factual but based on his life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hemmingway: The Code Hero

2 Hemmingway writes about autobiographical subject matter Not entirely factual but based on his life

3 Hemmingway’s reality = death, violence, fear –Not interested in outer sufferings  internal struggle –Few happy endings; readers gain respect for courage and endurance –Must seek challenges to test oneself

4 Apprentice The apprentice learns, through trials, to be a man –Life affects the apprentice more than the apprentice affects life –Must struggle against death, loneliness and nada –If surrenders to nada  dissolution Cowardice Insanity Suicide

5 Exemplar Sets example; a role model; mentor –Must continue to work to control the world and overcome nada –Has already suffered and overcome many problems that the apprentice must still face Insomnia Fear of the dark Passivity Dependence on sex and/or liquor Superstition Desire for religion Inability to stop thinking

6 Exemplar Cont’d –Skilled, professional and charismatic Apprentice must have an exemplar, but readers are more affected by and interested in the apprentice Apprentice is dynamic Exemplar is static

7 Code Set of principles that enables character to face death, loneliness and nada with courage and dignity –Control fear with dignity = grace under pressure –Seek challenges and participate in life –Will definitely struggle and suffer, but ENDURANCE = VICTORY

8 Nada Man’s attempt to deal with the absence of God, the indifferent and hostile universe, and the absence of purpose, order, meaning and value in the universe and human life

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