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Instrumentation and Simulations for Target Test MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005. Bill Murray 1, Paul Soler 1,2, Kenny Walaron 1,2 1 Rutherford.

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Presentation on theme: "Instrumentation and Simulations for Target Test MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005. Bill Murray 1, Paul Soler 1,2, Kenny Walaron 1,2 1 Rutherford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instrumentation and Simulations for Target Test MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005. Bill Murray 1, Paul Soler 1,2, Kenny Walaron 1,2 1 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 2 University of Glasgow

2 2 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 ISIS beam test (beg 2006) Proposed location of instrumentation: same angle as MICE beamline (25 o ) but inside synchrotron ring, at 10m or 20m from target

3 3 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005  protons ISIS beam test (beg 2006) o Two scintillator hodoscope planes separated by a polyethylene filter. o If rate too high, use smaller plane in front. o Location: 10 m (or 20 m) from target area o Provides dE/dx signature and crude energy selection dE/dx (MeV/cm) P (GeV/c) p,  Polyethylene filter Segmented BC-404 scintillator

4 4 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Particle Identification 10m from target 20m from target  p p   o Use dE/dx to separate protons from light particles o Allows us to count light and heavy species from target for validation of beamline simulations o Air affects average momentum and dE/dx for protons. o For example, protons at 440 MeV/c drop by 20 MeV/c in 10 m air.

5 5 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Simulations for beam test o Simulation using MARS input for G4beamline o Selection of particles from target within acceptance at around 25 o p: 38% n: 57% 

6 6 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Simulations for beam test o 10 million protons generated in target o Numbers of events in detectors (all detectors 1 cm thick to start with): –Small scintillator (5 cm x 5 cm) at 9984 mm: 10 particles, 3 protons, 7 neutrons –Large scintillator 1 (40 cm x 40 cm) at 9994 mm: 775 particles, 288 protons, 460 neutrons, 8 pi+, 2 pi-, 3 mu+, 3 mu- –Absorber (40 cm x 40 cm) at 10005 mm: 745 particles, 274 protons, 448 neutrons, 8 pi+, 2 pi-, 3 mu+, 3 mu- –Large scintillator 2 (40 cm x 40 cm) at 9994 mm: 719 particles, 257 protons, 436 neutrons, 9 pi+, 2 pi-, 3 mu+, 3 mu-

7 7 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Simulations for beam test 10m from targetFirst scintillator  p n

8 8 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Simulations for beam test 10m from targetAbsorber (1cm)  p n Clearly, 1 cm thickness makes little difference.

9 9 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Simulations for beam test 10m from targetSecond scintillator  p n

10 10 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Numbers o ISIS bunch is 2.5 10 13 protons o We might intercept 1% before being shutdown? –7.5 10 6 protons on 40cm 2 detector –4700 in a 3mm by 3 cm finger scintillator Kenny: Scintillator 40cm sq. at 10m 288 protons 11 pions 10M P-o-T 29 protons per 1M 1.1 π Bill: Scintillator 40cm sq. at 10m 55 protons 6 (+14 mu,e) 2.4M P-o-T 23 protons per 1M 2.5 π (+6.5 μ, e)

11 11 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Simulations for beam test o At high momenta (above ~ 800 MeV/c), protons and lighter particles become indistinguishable. o At high momenta it doesn’t help to use Time of Flight information

12 12 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Simulations for beam test Protons survival Pions survival o We can use range-out of protons to perform crude momentum separation o Protons range out very quickly (e.g. in 5cm scint. proton energy > 425 MeV) o Need to convolute survival probablilities with production to produce optimal arrangement. Thickness scintillator (cm)

13 13 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Equipment for beam test FAN IN/OUT Q-ADC TDC GATE TDC GATE Q-ADC HIGH VOLTAGE PMT1 PMT2 X x VME CRATE L o Have electronics, PMTs and UNIDAQ data acquisition installed at Glasgow (thank you Makoto and Malcolm!!!!). o Aim to start testing PMTs next week.

14 14 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Proof!

15 15 MICE Collaboration Meeting 22 October 2005 Plans o Prepare for target test January 2005 inside ISIS ring. –Test station being set-up at Glasgow with UNIDAQ and read-out electronics: technical problems with DAQ resolved with Makoto and Malcolm’s help. –Test all PMTs and validate performance –Purchase Bicron BC-404 scintillator, light-guides and absorbers for precise geometry determined from simulation. –Electronics and PMT’s fully tested by end November 2005 –Install equipment in ISIS during December-January (ISIS shutdown) –Set-up triggering electronics and gated scalers for target monitoring o In parallel, develop simulations to define optimal geometry –Calculate particle momenta coming out of target: done –Run test-beam simulation to determine what configuration results in the maximum information that we can extract from target test (ie. ToF, dE/dx, optimum distance 10-20 m, use of different absorbers, …) –Determine rate per scintillator slab for different configurations –Write proposal to ISIS: target November 2005

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