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Gestion efficace de Séries Temporelles en P2P Application à l'analyse technique et l'étude des objets mobiles G. Gardarin, B. Nguyen, L. Yeh, K. Zeitouni,

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Presentation on theme: "Gestion efficace de Séries Temporelles en P2P Application à l'analyse technique et l'étude des objets mobiles G. Gardarin, B. Nguyen, L. Yeh, K. Zeitouni,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gestion efficace de Séries Temporelles en P2P Application à l'analyse technique et l'étude des objets mobiles G. Gardarin, B. Nguyen, L. Yeh, K. Zeitouni, B. Butnaru, I. Sandu-Popa Laboratoire PRiSM – Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin BDA’09 - Namur

2 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'092 Motivation Technical Analysis (Economy)  Determine buy / sell operations based on time series calculations  parameter tuning  Empirical / Tuning : many simulations to be run  Very large time series (quotes every 15 secs over thousands of items, with years of data)  Objective : delegate computing power and caching in a P2P network Mobile objects  Compute aggregate queries over time series of sensor data (see paper for more details)

3 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'093 /!\ Time Series vs. Data Streams /!\ Time Series Persistent data queried on demand using complex queries. Historical type data. Size is an issue. Current commercial performance : under 1M per second Data Stream Transient data queried by simple continuous queries (event detection). Real Time oriented.

4 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'094 Contributions Extensible TS model with functional operators compatible with XQuery 1.1 Efficient P2P techniques for XQuery 1.1 with special TS management Current XQ 1.1 engines have very poor performance.

5 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'095 Outline Introduction Time Series Model P2P TS computing Experiments Conclusion

6 Time Series Model

7 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'097 Date (ISO) Value (xs:double) TS Entry ROSeS Model : an infinite vector Date 2007-01-052007-01-08…2009-03-06 Value 5517.355518.59…2534.45 PX1-Close (CAC) TS define a (metric) vector space TS 3 =TS 1 +s*TS 2

8 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'098 Granularity Some choice of semantics needs to be made in order to perform scale change. Adopted semantics :  Entry Date = interval start (included)  Next entry date = interval end (excluded) Need to define beginning of day with ms. precision

9 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'099 Null values Unknown value (?) Undefined value (!) Date 2007-01-052007-01-062007-01-082007-01-092009-03-06 Value 5517.35!5518.59?2534.45 Assume value ! for all dates preceding the first one. Management of “end” of TS  needs ! value

10 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0910 Relational like operators FilterMap

11 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0911 Union and Intersection

12 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0912 K-ary joins JOIN fun (S 1,... S k ) = {[t, m] | [t, val 1 ] in S 1 and … [t, val k ] in S k and m = fun(val 1, …val k )} /!\ Must define behavior for null values.

13 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0913 Some window functions Moving Average Relative Strength Index (RSI) Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD ) In general : “Constant” or Linear complexity in w Linear in t

14 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0914 SELL = SEL >1.1 (MAVG 26 (S) /MAVG 12 (S))) BUY = SEL >0 (XAVG 9 (MAVG 12 (S) - MAVG 26 (S))) Some buy/sell rules

15 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0915 TS/XML : a practical exchange format TS Schema XQ 1.1 mavg implementation (naïve) /!\ Limited maths functions Benefit from the expressive power of XQ to write rules !

16 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0916 Preliminary results NW Our JAVA System X 100010<116 100050<145 1000100<191 200010<128 200050<190 2000100<1178 400010<153 400050<1179 4000100<1357 16000104212 16000504765 1600010041404 10000010251914 10000050255026 100000100259251 500000101289862 5000005013028259 50000010012949347 Xeon-X5450@3.00GHz Java 6, 1GB Heap mavg MACD (java)

17 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0917 XQ Problems Important overhead with XML type- checking and structure (limit to xs:double) Limited Maths functions TS are in fact manipulated in let clauses  Enhance our XQ processor with non-XQ functions on XML-TS data that respect our schema

18 P2P TS Computing

19 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0919 How can we achieve scalability ? Observation :  Many runs of a given user share intermediate results  Many users share intermediate results Divide computation cost by n Divide disk read/write time by n Divide memory usage by n

20 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0920 TS Distribution – horizontal partitioning CHORD DHT /!\ Overlap is necessary /!\ Choice limits window size N/K (N)

21 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0921 DHT Two sorts of “key/value” pairs  Key : TSName  list of slices IDs (numbered)  Key : TSName+SliceID  peer containing the slice Connect/Disconnect is managed by the DHT Computation algorithm  P1 wants to compute Q1  P1 gets the location of all TS Slices needed  Ship query to peers  Compute query on peer (if possible)  Transfer results to P1

22 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0922 (Naïve) Caching JOIN(MAVG(CAC40,10), SCALE(RSI(CAC40, 14), 100), SUM) [7, 8, 9] Limitation : equivalent expressions Open issue : how to choose peer ?

23 Experiments

24 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0924 XQ2P Prototype 98% XQuery 1.0 compliant database (java) XQ 1.1 window functionalities Optimized external TS functions P2P storage and computing

25 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0925 P2PTester infrastructure

26 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0926 Experimental evaluation using P2PTester (4 machines) PT INDEX TRTR TPTP TQTQ T NET T P2P 87,156,84473<14004930 166,3100,82176<14002677 327,4236,81106<14001743 648,4537,6580<14001518 1288,91139,2286<14001825 2569,72483,2140<14003023

27 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0927 Relative gain simulation (no caching)

28 Conclusion Already efficient, still lots to do…

29 Gardarin et al. -- BDA'0929 Current / Future Work TS Granularity operators “Enhanced” Caching (canonical form transformation) Date-based join optimization TS Distance computation, top-k XQ 1.1 window operator optimization Other XQ2P improvements

30 Merci !

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