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LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! Molecular Genetics 2 2013 Nucleic Acids ReplicationTranscription Translation Mixed Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q.

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Presentation on theme: "LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! Molecular Genetics 2 2013 Nucleic Acids ReplicationTranscription Translation Mixed Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q."— Presentation transcript:


2 LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! Molecular Genetics 2 2013

3 Nucleic Acids ReplicationTranscription Translation Mixed Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy

4 $100 Question from Nucleic Acids X-ray evidence was used to discover that the shape of DNA which was what?

5 $100 Answer from Nucleic Acids Double Helix

6 $200 Question from Nucleic Acids You have a building toy set consisting of parts that can be connected together. You are going to use it to model a piece of DNA. You have decided that each part of DNA will be represented by a different type of toy piece. You have chosen the following four pieces so far: adenine = large red cube; guanine = large green cube, thymine = small orange cube; cytosine = small blue cube. How many other types of pieces do you need to represent the remaining parts both the 3-prime and the 5-prime strands of a section of DNA?

7 $200 Answer from Nucleic Acids The only pieces still needed represent a deoxyribose sugar and a phosphate—the order of those pieces determines the direction of the strand.

8 $300 Question from Nucleic Acids What is X?

9 $300 Answer from Nucleic Acids Nucleotides

10 $400 Question from Nucleic Acids DOUBLE JEOPARDY Which of the following is a nucleotide found in DNA? a. ribose + phosphate group + thymine b. ribose + phosphate group + uracil c. deoxyribose + phosphate group + uracil d. deoxyribose + phosphate group + cytosine

11 $400 Answer from Nucleic Acids d.deoxyribose + phosphate group + cytosine

12 $500 Question from Nucleic Acids Unlike DNA, RNA contains…. List 2 differences in content

13 $500 Answer from Nucleic Acids Ribose sugar and uracil base

14 $100 Question from Replication Where does replication occur in Eukaryotic cells?

15 $100 Answer from Replication Nucleus

16 $200 Question from Replication DNA replication results in two DNA molecules, a. each with two new strands. b. one with two new strands and the other with two original strands. c. each with one new strand and one original strand. d. each with two original strands.

17 $200 Answer from Replication c. each with one new strand and one original strand. Semi Conservative Replication

18 $300 Question from Replication Identify A

19 $300 Answer from Replication Leading Strand template

20 $400 Question from Replication Identify C

21 $400 Answer from Replication Okasaki Fragment

22 $500 Question from Replication Identify E

23 $500 Answer from Replication DNA Polymerase, The DNA polymer Making enzyme

24 $100 Question from Transcription DOUBLE JEOPARDY Where does Transcription occur in the cell?

25 $100 Answer from Transcription Transcription occurs in the nucleus of Eukaryotes and in the cytoplasm of Prokaryotes.

26 $200 Question from Transcription Fill in the missing bases?

27 $200 Answer from Transcription

28 $300 Question from Transcription What enzyme is involved with transcription?

29 $300 Answer from Transcription RNA Polymerase

30 $400 Question from Transcription Final mRNA involves some processing What is red area A called?

31 $400 Answer from Transcription Exons

32 $500 Question from Transcription Final mRNA involves some processing What is blue area B called?

33 $500 Answer from Transcription Introns because these sections of RNA stay in the nucleus!

34 $100 Translation What happens during the process of translation? a. Messenger RNA is made from DNA. b. The cell uses information from messenger RNA to produce proteins. c. Transfer RNA is made from messenger RNA d. Copies of DNA molecules are made..

35 $100 Answer Translation b. The cell uses information from messenger RNA to produce proteins.

36 $200 Question from Translation DOUBLE JEOPARDY Where does translation occur in the cell? Area and organelle

37 $200 Answer from Translation Cytoplasm in the ribosomes

38 $300 Question from Translation What is structure A called?

39 $300 Answer from Translation Transfer RNA

40 $400 Question from Translation What is B called?

41 $400 Answer from Translation Anticodon which is complementary to the mRNA 3 base codon.

42 $500 Question from Translation Translate the following mRNA sequence AUG CCA UUU GUG AAA

43 $500 Answer from Translation Period 4 help me out no genetic code at Home.

44 $100 Question from Mixed A _____ involves an investigator observing or assessing factors without changing the environment in any way.

45 $100 Answer from Mixed Study

46 $200 Question from Mixed Which of the following are found in both DNA and RNA? a. phosphate groups, guanine, and thymine b. phosphate groups, guanine, and cytosine c. deoxyribose, phosphate groups, and guanine d. ribose, phosphate groups, and adenine

47 $200 Answer from Mixed b. phosphate groups, guanine, and cytosine

48 $300 Question from Mixed What is the Central Dogma of Biology?

49 $300 Answer from Mixed DNA RNA Protein

50 $400 Question from Mixed Amino acids are joined together by ___________ bonds formed during the process of ________________ In the organelle ___________.

51 $400 Answer from Mixed Amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds formed during the process of translation in the organelle ribosomes.

52 $500 Question from Mixed DOUBLE JEOPARDY What is this figure?

53 $500 Answer from Mixed The Genetic Code

54 Final Jeopardy Your instructor has two Masters of Science Degrees, what are they?

55 Final Jeopardy Answer Biology UOP Hydrologic Science UCD

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