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Characteristics of mammals By: Josh Lumpkin. Tigers teeth Carnivores such ass this tiger, have canine teeth that stab and pierce food, and premolars and.

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of mammals By: Josh Lumpkin. Tigers teeth Carnivores such ass this tiger, have canine teeth that stab and pierce food, and premolars and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of mammals By: Josh Lumpkin

2 Tigers teeth Carnivores such ass this tiger, have canine teeth that stab and pierce food, and premolars and molars adapted for chewing.

3 Porky piens hairs The sharp, barb- tipped quills of a porcupine are a type of modified hair.

4 Premolars and molars are the predominant teeth in horses and other herbivores. These crushing and grinding teeth are covered with hard enamel.

5 Bears teeth This a black bears teeth…. Bears, like humans, have incisors, canines, premolars. Bears and humans are omnivores..

6 This is a whitetail deer. The patch of hair on the rump of the fleeing pronghorn signals danger to other members of the herd… This whitetail is about to throw up her tail to warn the other deer, and the other animals that something is about to happen…


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