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Class 16-17 Living in a pyramid. – Chapter 12. Schedule  17 week P. 76. 77. 80.  Quiz 4  18 week 期末考  chapter 10. 11. 12 (parts)  + 空英.

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Presentation on theme: "Class 16-17 Living in a pyramid. – Chapter 12. Schedule  17 week P. 76. 77. 80.  Quiz 4  18 week 期末考  chapter 10. 11. 12 (parts)  + 空英."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 16-17 Living in a pyramid. – Chapter 12

2 Schedule  17 week P. 76. 77. 80.  Quiz 4  18 week 期末考  chapter 10. 11. 12 (parts)  + 空英

3 Presentation 4 dialogues

4 Dialogue 1 Making speculation  A: What animal has four paws, fur, and a tail?  B: Is it a lion?  A: No. It has stripes.  B: A tiger?  A: That’s right!

5 Dialogue 2 Making speculation P. 69  A: It is blue-gray in color.  It doesn’t have any teeth.  It is the largest animal on earth.  B: It could be a shark. But it doesn’t have any teeth! So it must be a whale!

6 Dialogue 3 Did you belong to a club in school? (a team) Yes, I did. Which one? The chess club. (your answer)

7 Dialogue 4 P.65 Conversation: Painting Presentation Pair work Choose 2 from 4 dialogues

8 Living in a pyramid VocabularyConversation

9 Vocabulary  Places to live Locations  dorm campus  farmhouse downtown  townhouse country  cabin village  studio ranch  mansion woods

10 Vocabulary  住的地方 地點  宿舍 校園、校區、大學  農舍、農家 城中商業區、鬧區  城中房子 (二、三層多棟連建房子) 鄉村  小屋 村莊、小村  工作室 牧場  大廈、宅第、豪宅 森林、樹林

11 Pictures  1. 城中房子 (二、三層多棟連建房子) 村莊、小村  2. 小公寓 城中商業區、鬧區  3. 農舍、農家 牧場  4. 木頭小屋 森林、樹林  5. 大廈、宅第、豪宅 鄉村  6. 宿舍 校園、校區、大學  期末考將加考看圖寫單字題

12 Conversation  Well, if you live downtown, you’ll be near some good stores. And you won’t have to take the bus all the time.  Of course, if you rent a place in the suburbs, it might be less expensive.

13 Conversation  If …, will  won’t  may + RV  may not  might  might not  Well, if you live downtown, you’ll be near some good stores. And you won’t have to take the bus all the time.  Of course, if you rent a place in the suburbs, it might be less expensive.

14 Final Exam  Like the Quizzes  Studio Classroom (magazine)  Translation + Fill in the blanks  Grammar  Listening  Pictures

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