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Progressive Reform DBQ. DO NOT COPY Topic: Progressive Reform DBQ Objective: Students will be able to begin the writing process for the Progressive Reform.

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Presentation on theme: "Progressive Reform DBQ. DO NOT COPY Topic: Progressive Reform DBQ Objective: Students will be able to begin the writing process for the Progressive Reform."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressive Reform DBQ

2 DO NOT COPY Topic: Progressive Reform DBQ Objective: Students will be able to begin the writing process for the Progressive Reform Mini- DBQ Do Now: What questions or difficulties did you have while completing the document packet? HW: Typed Rough Draft of Mini-DBQ due IN CLASS ON FRIDAY!

3 Document A

4 Document B

5 Document C

6 Document D

7 Document E

8 Rough Draft DUE: Friday, January 9 th IN CLASS! Typed and Printed Email to by Friday at 8:15 am to be printed

9 Creating Claims DBQ Prompt: Describe and evaluate the progressive reforms during the early 1900s that had the greatest impact in American society

10 Progressive Reform Mini-DBQ Historical context (cite the textbook, the background essay, notes, handouts, etc.): background knowledge about the conditions in society Introduce Progressivism and its importance Body Paragraphs Topic sentence: introduce reform and its importance Evidence: from the documents examined Analysis/Reasoning: What did Progressives accomplish to bring about a positive change and how did it impact society.

11 Introduce quotes with the formal name of the document example: According to Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle “…” (Document D). Be specific about the reform: example “child labor” should be National Child Labor Committee.

12 FORMAL, ACADEMIC Writing required, avoid personal statements, and contractions Linking/Concluding sentence: close the paragraph by generally stating the impact of the reform and/or linking to the next paragraph MLA Format: Heading, Header, title, in-text citations, work cited page (page 43 in agenda book)

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