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The Baby Think It Over Program: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS.

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1 The Baby Think It Over Program: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS

2 What causes SIDS? No one knows for sure what causes SIDS. An infant is put to bed with no indication of any problems and is later found dead. SIDS is not common, yet nearly 6,000 infants deaths each year in the United States are attributed to SIDS.

3 What age of infants are affected? SIDS usually affect infants from 4 weeks to 3 months of age. Infants most at risk can be treated with an 80 – 90% success rate. Newborns with a abnormal heart may be 41 times more likely to be at risk.

4 When is SIDS most likely to happen? Winter Spring Summer Fall Answer – Mostly winter, but possible in spring and fall. Why?

5 Who is most likely to be affected? Girls Boys Answer: it affects more boys than girls, but both are at risk.

6 Back to Sleep … Whether for a nap or to bed for the night, an infant should be put to sleep on its back. Before leaving the hospital, new parents should talk to there which sleeping doctors about which sleeping position is best. Some health conditions may require tummy- down sleeping.

7 Bedding: An infant should sleep on a firm mattress. Don’t use pillows, fluffy blankets or comforters under the infant. An infant should not sleep on a waterbed, sheepskins pillows or other soft toys. All toys should be hooked to the crib or out of reach of the infant. Crib rails should be close enough that a pop can can’t fit through.

8 Reducing the Risk: Provide a smoke-free zone around the infant. Don’t let ANYONE smoke around the baby. Educate everyone who takes care of the infant Always leave the baby with who know how to reduce the chances of SIDS. Check on the baby while sleeping.

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