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Tim Schlak, Ph.D. Director, University Library Robert Morris University Social Capital & Liaison Librarianship.

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Presentation on theme: "Tim Schlak, Ph.D. Director, University Library Robert Morris University Social Capital & Liaison Librarianship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tim Schlak, Ph.D. Director, University Library Robert Morris University Social Capital & Liaison Librarianship

2 Introduction - Liaison Librarianship  Shen (2013)  “Faculty who received more services from their liaisons were more satisfied with the liaison services than those who did not.”  “Faculty who knew their liaison by name or who had recent contact were more satisfied with the liaison services that those who did not.”  Chung (2010)  A relationship-building approach to liaison work can lead to iterative collaborations with faculty over time.

3 Definitions - Social Capital  “Features of a social organization such as networks, norms and social trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit” (Putnam, 2000).  “The sum of the actual and potential resources embedded within, available through, and derived from the network of relationships possessed by an individual or social unit” (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998).

4 Commonalities: Social Capital & Liaison Work  Items of exchange  Information: publication notices, copyright information, other marketing, recommendations  Resources embedded in network  Collection development  Library-services, esp. Information Literacy-related services  Faculty and librarian time  Mutual benefit  Student learning  Faculty research  Library support and advocacy

5 Review of Project  Social capital addresses aspects of the relationship that sit just beneath the surface  Trust, shared meaning, relationship and network dynamics  Phone interviews with up to 10 liaison librarians  Inductive content analysis via post-interview sorting and processing of transcripts to elucidate themes in the data

6 Highlights of Pilot  Participant #1 – “them as has, gets” inversion  Those who respond to liaison communications are those who receive when excess library resources are available  Participant #2 - personal contact may function to a different end than professional contact  A necessary relationship component for faculty to shift perspective to “What can I do for you, the librarian?”

7 Emerging Issues  Strong vs. weak networks/pockets  Trust & trustworthiness  Example: historical seeking of faculty approval vs. asking ourselves what we can get out of it  Shared meaning  1) Fulfilling faculty needs; 2) Student learning  Liaison programs as a mission-supporting mechanism for academic libraries  Contributes to libraries’ social capital

8 Emerging Issues Continued  Unmatched expectation fulfillment, unbalanced relationships  What are the dynamics and implications?  Substantiates librarians as faculty  Christiansen, Stombler, and Thaxton (2004): “Faculty do not see librarians as experts in faculty fields of expertise, and therefore not appropriate for consultation” (even if librarians are also experts).  Decouple personal vs. professional contact

9 Sources  Christiansen, L., Stombler, M., & Thaxton, L. (2004), “A report on librarian- faculty relations from a sociological perspective,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 116-121.  Chung, H. (2010), “Relationship building in entrepreneurship liaison work: one Business Librarian’s experience at North Carolina State University,” Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, vol. 15, pp. 161-170.  Nahapiet, J. and Ghoshal, S. (1998), “Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage,” Academy of Management, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 242-266.  Putnam, R.D. (2000), Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of American community, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.  Shen, L. (2013), “There is no association between subject liaisons’ perception of their work and faculty satisfaction with their liaisons,” Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 142-144.

10 Social Capital & Liaison Librarianship QUESTIONS?

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