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Save Money While You Help the Environment.  Lighting accounts for more than 10 percent of electric bill  Change to compact florescent lights (CFLs)

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Presentation on theme: "Save Money While You Help the Environment.  Lighting accounts for more than 10 percent of electric bill  Change to compact florescent lights (CFLs)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Save Money While You Help the Environment

2  Lighting accounts for more than 10 percent of electric bill  Change to compact florescent lights (CFLs)  Use 50-75 percent less energy  Last up to ten times longer than conventional bulbs

3  Wash only full loads of clothes and dishes  Keep dryer vents clean  Air dry dishes when possible  Use ENERGY STAR products

4  Heating water accounts for 13 percent of energy bill  Use low-flow fixtures  Repair leaks  Lower thermostat  Insulate heater

5  energy.html  

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