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NORWAY –5,0 mill inh. –324.000 km 2 –Monarchy Bergen.

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1 NORWAY –5,0 mill inh. –324.000 km 2 –Monarchy Bergen

2 BERGEN –270.000 inh. –Between mountain and fjords –Founded 1070 –Hanseatic town –The Hansa harbour is on UNESCO’s world heritage list –Tourism, oil, fishery –Hometown of Edvard Grieg


4 Bergen Voksenopplæring is a public school, founded by the municipality 350 participants per year Staffed by about 30 teachers

5 We teach in groups in the school, at workplaces and in people's homes

6 Most of our activities is related to rehabilitation Computer is often a help to get started

7 We facilitate the learning of Norwegian language for people with additional disabilities, such as deafness and blindness

8 Our participants often have difficulty with reading, writing or math We have a strong focus on the ability to read and write

9 To become a good reader the students have to learn how to, technically code the letters into words

10 Vocabulary: Poor readers usually have a lack of words, both in general and in connection with their work or studies

11 We are testing and mapping the student´s competences, both Inn the beginning and along the way. Through comparing scores, the students can see how their work has paid off

12 We use our expertise to design courses for companies This is paid by the state and is in addition to our main responsibility

13 We always consider the company and the individual employee's needs for learning when we establish such courses

14 We are working with the company in advance of courses to identify texts and material workers must use and understand and then we use this as a teaching aid in courses

15 And we are looking forward to further cooperation !



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