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Parent Orientation Night Kindergarten Teachers: Cynde Perry Christy Borgialli Cassie Miller Tracey Corder.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Orientation Night Kindergarten Teachers: Cynde Perry Christy Borgialli Cassie Miller Tracey Corder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Orientation Night Kindergarten Teachers: Cynde Perry Christy Borgialli Cassie Miller Tracey Corder

2 Pikeville Elementary School Is……..

3 A safe, secure, exciting place where students can learn and… Explore new things Ask questions Problem solve Learn from their mistakes Build on their successes Assume responsibility Meet new friends Have fun learning!

4 Classroom Goals To feel safe and secure while at school To have the freedom to explore and achieve their personal best To instill the love of learning that will continue throughout life

5 Conscious Discipline Pikeville Elementary Kindergarten has taken on a common discipline Researched based to help teachers model appropriate behaviors and to encourage children to be self-aware of their bodies, brains, and emotions.

6 Classroom Rules Listen While Your Teacher Is Talking

7 Be Ready To Learn * Listen * Follow Directions * Do Your Best

8 Show Respect * Keep Hands and Feet To Yourself * Ask Permission * Put Materials Away * Be Polite

9 Get Along, Be Fair * Take Turns * Share Materials * Follow Game Rules

10 Stay Safe * Use Things Carefully * Take Care of Things * Walk Indoors

11 Make Smart Choices Consequences to Bad Choices: 1- Warning 2- 5 minutes time out 3- 10 minutes time out 4- Call to parent, visit office Constant bad choices, defiance, refusal to comply– immediate removal from classroom, possible paddling or suspension

12 Morning Routine When the children arrive at school in the morning, they will be expected to independently: –Put personal belongings in their cubbies –Turn lunch money,homework, book orders, notes from home to folder basket –Be ready to start learning –Students go the rooms at 7:45 and morning work begins –Students will be marked tardy after 8:00am. – (3 tardies equal 1 unexcused absence)

13 Kindergarten Curriculum Expectations As set forth by Tennessee Department of Education, Bledsoe County Schools, and Pikeville Elementary

14 Listening and Speaking Daily activities will help with the practice of listening and speaking skills through –Routines and procedures –Directions –Oral language –Small & large group discussions

15 Reading Students will read often by participating in… –Independent Reading –Small group reading –Shared reading –Guided reading activities and large group reading –Workshops

16 New sight words will be sent home in your child’s folder each week—make some flash cards and review the often Children will begin reading and writing CVC words by Christmas Children should be reading independently by March

17 Comprehension Understanding the meaning of a story is one of the most important parts of the reading process. –Summarizing –Identifying the main idea –Sequencing –Reading for details –Making predictions –Drawing conclusions

18 Writing Students will write by participating in… –Write fron the Beginning Journals-personal stories –Drawing Pictures with details –Shared Writing –Creating Concept and Predicable Sentence Books –Interactive Writing –Writer’s Workshop

19 Handwriting Our handwriting skills will be practiced through daily activities –Routine practice will help with letter formation of both uppercase and lowercase letter as well as numbers –Proper use for either form will be discussed and modeled –At home, please encourage a proper pencil grip and correct letter formation.

20 Math Math Program –Program is designed to spiral concepts Most concepts are expected to be mastered by the end of Kindergarten. Must be able to apply the concepts learned to everyday use

21 Math Content Areas Math Concepts –Writing numbers with correct formation –Establishing routines –Tally Marks –Understanding the Calendar –Counting (by ones, twos, fives, and tens –Math games –Money –Telling time to the hour –Adding and Subtracting –Measurement Non-standard and standard –Random number recognition –Patterns –Shapes –Greater than/less than

22 Science Concepts in Science –Force and motion –Plans and conducts simple investigations –Needs of living and non-living things –Changes in weather and seasons –Makes accurate measurement with non- standard units –Butterfly life cycle

23 Social Studies Concepts in Social Studies -Who Am I? -Where Am I? -How do I get what I need/want? -How do I get along with others? *School and classroom rules

24 School Specials Students also have experiences in… –Computer activities –Gym –Library –Health

25 Field Trips We are only allowed 1 field trip– we will let you know where and when we will be going—probably end of year

26 Ways for Parents to Participate: Art projects with the children Volunteering for class celebrations or field trips Individual classroom options (workshop help, reading with children, etc.) Help the teacher at home, by cutting, preparing books/projects, etc. Contact your child’s teacher about days and times to volunteer

27 Miscellaneous Birthday Party Room Parents PTO –If new to the building, we encourage you go to PTA meetings. Allergies in the class Snacks are to be brought for the class according to the snack calendar Newsletter Homework

28 Snacks- a calendar will be sent home each month Please note your day/s to send snack each month. If you cannot send snack, please let me know in advance. Remember if you don’t send in the snack we won’t have anything Provide snack and drink for all students (20 students) Send prepackaged snacks only. Send no cakes or cupcakes (unless it is for birthday) Send plastic spoons when necessary. Preferred snacks: animal crackers, all varieties of snack crackers, yogurt cups, fruit cups, pudding cups, Jello cups, pretzels, and other healthy snacks Acceptable snacks: cookies, chips, Little Debbie cakes, popcorn Unacceptable snacks: homemade snacks, sodas, Parents are asked to send in a box of 5 oz dixie cups \ and a pack of napkins We have a small fridge in our rooms for drinks to be kept cold

29 Please Remember! We are a team!! If you have a question or concern- talk to your child’s teacher 1 st ! Call, email, or send us a note Volunteer when you can Take time to talk with your child about what they are learning Encourage your child to do their best

30 We are not trying to alarm you but… Kindergarten is no longer a playtime or naptime. It is an important start to your child’s education and there are many skills that are required to be taught and mastered in Kindergarten. Please help make this a great year for your child, yourself, and your child’s teacher!

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