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By: Logan Tanner, Sana Qureshi, and Erica Taylor.

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1 By: Logan Tanner, Sana Qureshi, and Erica Taylor

2 Interesting Facts  Continuation and critique of Romanticism  “Challenge and enlightenment in the absence of God or external authority.”  Experimental nature  Started in the 16 th Century  Fascism-type of government who is dependent on the absolute power of the dictatorship.  Agatha Christie is considered to be the best selling author of all time

3 …Continued  Aleksandr Pushkin who is called the father of modern Russian literature was killed in a duel with his wife's lover.  When Charles Dickens was 12 he worked in a boot factory.  TS Elliot was born in St. Louis Missouri but spent most of his life in England.  The novel Gadsby written by Ernest Vincent Wright contains 50,110 words but none contain the letter "e."  Germany is the home of the first illustrated book for children in 1658.  Ian Flemming wrote the first James Bond novel "Casino Royale" in 1952.  Author Barbara Cartland published 723 novels by writing one every two weeks.

4 Poets: Oscar Wilde, Ernest Dowson, Arther Symonds, and W.B. Yeats Writers: Stephen Carne, Joseph Conrad, and Ford Madox Ford James Joyce- wrote Ulysses (1922) language, presenting all the forced of language and the senses language creates. D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Wolf- Mrs. Dalloway and The Years *In the 1930’s Modernist writers became more political (rise of Fascism in Europe) Famous Writers/Poets

5 Historical Influences  England loses 1 million soldiers in WWI (produced major shifts in attitudes toward western myth of progress and civilization)  Germany bombs England  Creates a tone of fear and mourning  Incorporation of Anthropology, Biology, and Psychology  Anthropology- Women are more important  Female writers are more readily recognized  Biology-More scientific understanding  Connections between humans and animals  Rapid social change

6  Has reader go through a day in a life of a narrator  Brought about openness within a story or poem  Has readers consider free will and cognitive exploration o Climb inside a mind and understand the meanings o Fascination with how someone defines reality within the mind  Time is viewed as cyclical o Reader moves from one image to another in flutters Modernist Literature

7 Modernists  Modernism pushes boundaries and breaks tradition purposely  World is created by how humans perceive it  No real connection with history  No chronological order on how events happen  Love the fact that there is inner strength

8 Work Cited  Art and Lit Fast Facts." Did You Know? 02 July 2010. Web. 06 Feb. 2011  Lorcher, Trent. "Modernism in Literature: What Is Modernism?" Find Health, Education, Science & Technology Articles, Reviews, How- To and Tech Tips At Bright Hub - Apply To Be A Writer Today! 26 Dec. 2009. Web. 03 Feb. 2011.  Young, J. A. "Interesting Facts from Literature." Random Articles for Your Reading Pleasure. 2005. Web. 06 Feb. 2011.

9 Pictures:    Work Cited continued

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